玩家需要相对应的战斗等级来使用某一权能之石 权能之石的效果取决于玩家的魔力权能Magical Power/MP MP越高,每一点MP的属性加成越少,但整体变高 玩家可以在46 69 -33处的Maxwell的“Learn Power from Stones”一栏并在9宫格内放入9个相同的权能之石,玩家就能使用这种权能之石的前缀效果 MP计算: 普通*3MP 精良...
The Terror Armor 怖惧:这套护甲毁灭性的被动能让任何人都像天生的射手一般。 The Fervor Armor 炽烈:这是全Skyblock最肉的护甲。 The Hollow Armor 空洞:给玩家带来诸多有趣选择的支援型护甲。(该护甲目前尚未实装) 每一套护甲都使用了新的加成系统。即便玩家只用了其中两件,玩家仍然能获得增益效果,而且每额外装...
回复:Skyblock-Rift教程 取消只看楼主收藏回复 iceeeee_ HPBT+ 10 九、West Village (3/3) Mirrorverse和第二个Timecharm●Mirrorverse概述Mirrorverse是rift中的系列小游戏,十分有趣。入口位置是West Village的(-85, 70, 124),消耗三分钟即可进入,进入后rift time会暂停流失,可以安心体验。Mirrorverse分为7个...
[NPC]Maxwell:✆You don't have what I need! Nice try! History Alpha Hypixel Network Apr 15, 2022 AddedMaxwell. SkyBlock Prototype Apr 20, 20220.13 AddedMaxwell. May 12, 2022Temporarily disabledMaxwell. Re-enabledMaxwell. Oct 19, 20220.16AddedAbiphone Contact....
There are no Power Stones withCOMMONrarity. Alpha Hypixel Network Apr 15, 2022AddedPower Stones. May 4, 2023Added Bubba Blister, Displaced Leech, Fang-tastic Chocolate ChipPower Stones. SkyBlock Prototype Apr 20, 20220.13AddedPower Stones.
The free accessibleauction house flipper ↗️allows you to find profitable AH flips in no time. It supplements the option to browse all of the Skyblock history on the web tracker. What's more is that you can see what auctions were used as reference to determine if a flip is profitable....
For over a decade, after its defeat, the Wither King had been trapped in a cage on the edge of the mainisland. It was well guarded by mages and had a magical barrier, one that would alert the mages if someone entered. However, Necron could sneak through this barrier without alarming an...
成就(Achievement)是一种存在于Skyblock中的、用来逐步引导新手玩家融入Skyblock 你确定有吗,并给予他们需完成的挑战的途径的系统。 成就表 有等级的 (成就点数 5 5 10 10 15): 战斗! Combat! :提升战斗等级 1级:5级 2级:10级 3级:15级 4级:20级 5级:25级 挖掘者 Excavator :提升采矿等级 1级:5级 ...
Item Metadata While its debuff ofmight sound unattractive at first, it still grantsMagical Power. History SkyBlock Prototype Jan 11, 2021AddedBlue Jerry Talisman. Hidev·d·eAccessories ShowCOMMON ShowUNCOMMON ShowRARE ShowEPIC ShowLEGENDARY
https://hypixel.net/threads/skyblock-patch-0-18-3-garden-crop-growth-presets-bazaar-sack-additions-bug-fixes-more.5324136/ 大家好呀!今天的更新包含了很多东西,包括(但不限于) 等待已久的花园生长速度更新 花园预设改动 集市扩展 奖杯鱼保底机制 ...