lcm的全称是“left click mage”,意为“左键法师”;rcm全称是“right click mage”,意为“右键法师”。从名字可以明显看出,lcm与rcm是玩法(或者说是“输出的形式”),其分类标准是看输出的时候是使用鼠标左键还是右键。因此,一定要记住,地牢m层法师并不等同于lcm,只是在很多必要的时候要使用lcm的方式来输出、打...
地牢中需要形形色色的工具来简化大量操作,诸如找秘密、速通陷阱房、拿水晶等。 如果遇到了什么看不懂的物品/术语,请翻阅往期专栏;都没找到就在评论区问。 有Ether Transmission的AOTV / AOTE 重要程度: ✪✪✪✪✪ 原因: 最常用的工具,能迅速拿到很多秘密。 成本: 约合10m,就是需要ES才能打上去,但是用...
Master Mod..前言:Master Mode 7是当前hypixel skyblock catacombs系列的最后一层,发布至今已经近6个月,在玩家中的热度也是一直都比较高,毕竟有着丰富的奖励和地牢经验。截至今天,
(Hypixel Skyblock Ironman) Ep.284 2802 1 14:37 App [Refraction]Mage has CHANGED (Hypixel SkyBlock) 736 4 13:09 App GOD TIER RNG (Hypixel SkyBlock) 270 -- 10:49 App [Refraction]THIS WAS A VIOLATION (Hypixel SkyBlock) 4139 1 11:10 App 制作价值6个亿的青金石套 950 -- 12:03 ...
[NPC] Frosty: Here the Jerrys make and deliver Gifts to all of SkyBlock! [NPC] Frosty: When its time to deliver Gifts, Mount Jerry always erupts and the village is ravaged by heat-based enemies! [NPC] Frosty: It is up to you, [player], to help save the day. Take this Snow Cann...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
Not to be confused with the unrelated Wither Storm. Pathetic Maxor, just like expected. Don't boast about beating this simple minded Wither. My abilities are unparalleled, in many ways I am the last bastion. The memory of your death will be your fondest,