Estimated Item Value Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpac...
Skyblock 附..For Sword: Suitable:(the more the better)18. Critical2. Cubism56. Dragon Hunter33. Ender Slayer17. E
Wiki Lookup:Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item. OptiFabric Compatibility Waypoints API Config Button in Skyblock Menu Chest Value Add useful tips in chat Suppress badlion packet warnings Remove screens when switching island
Throughout SkyBlock, many items have their own Collections. Each collection has its own designated item, each of which has multiple tiers. Some Collections have as little as 4 tiers and some range to 10+ tiers. Each tier has a requirement for total items collected that the player needs to ...
Throughout SkyBlock, many items have their own Collections. Each collection has its own designated item, each of which has multiple tiers. Some Collections have as little as 4tiersand some range to 10+ tiers. Each tier has a requirement for total items collected that the player needs to obta...
The skyblockVersion property determines whether the bot should send a message when the Skyblock version changes.CommandsThe commands object contains the settings related to the bot's commands.The normal property determines whether the normal commands are enabled or not. If it's set to true, the ...
The Perfect Armor set can be upgraded into one of the best armor sets in SkyBlock. In order to do so, one will need craft the full set and upgrade each piece to T13, Recombobulate each piece, apply the Giant reforge to all of the pieces, apply level 6-7 Enchantments to them, and ...
"Grants a 1 in X chance to deal+100%damage." The activation chance, X, scales from 1 trillion to 100, based on the item's tier. (see table below for details) When the effect activates there will be a heart next to the damage value. ...
Added hundreds of new NPC skins from SkyBlock.添加了数百个npc皮肤 Also added these skins to the NPC Skull Pack.当然也添加进了头颅包里 Added the "Player Skin" option for NPC skins.添加了玩家皮肤 This option will show the skin of the player viewing the NPC, similar to stats NPCs in games...
Added hundreds of new NPC skins from SkyBlock.添加了数百个npc皮肤 Also added these skins to the NPC Skull Pack.当然也添加进了头颅包里 Added the "Player Skin" option for NPC skins.添加了玩家皮肤 This option will show the skin of the player viewing the NPC, similar to stats NPCs in games...