Hunk of Ice 冰核 Ice Rod 冰块钓竿 特点: 和Sea Walker类似。 Frosty 雪人 稀有度:普通 生命:5000 等级需求:6 给予钓鱼经验:165 掉落物列表: 胡萝卜 冰 荷叶 雪块 海绵 白色礼物 冰核 特点: 不断发射雪球,造成较强击退。可使用远程武器如冰镰刀等击杀。
Ice Bait Hunk of Ice Hunk of Blue Ice Hilt of True Ice Nutcracker Armor Walnut Flake the Fish Made via drops Salt Cube Rusty Anchor Winter Water Orb Glacial Scythe ShowMayor Election ShowMythological Ritual ShowFishing Festival ShowMining Fiesta ...
Minibosses are Mobs that are not quite Bosses but are significantly tougher than their regular counterparts. Unlike bosses they don't have an extra large health bar nor a leaderboard for who did the most damage. Slayer minibosses have a chance to spawn a
Werewolveswill run towards the player and attack them, dealing250❁ Damage. TheWerewolf's❁ Damageincreases by20%for each second it is alive, capping at300%; thus, it's advisable to swiftly kill the mob. History SkyBlock Prototype Nov 2, 20200.9.10AddedWerewolf....
Winter Rods Ice Rod Winter Rod Auger Rod Yeti Rod Drops Ice Bait Hunk of Ice Hunk of Blue Ice Hilt of True Ice Nutcracker Armor Walnut Flake the Fish Made via drops Salt Cube Rusty Anchor Winter Water Orb Glacial Scythe ShowMayor ElectionShow...