Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki is a community-made wiki about Hypixel's gamemode, SkyBlock. Anyone can contribute! Discover, share, and add your knowledge!
Eventually, hours after I escaped the undead horde, I came upon a room full of empty tombs, and that's where I decided to take shelter for the night. I moved some pillars to block the doorway to prevent things from sneaking inside. The next morning, everything had gone a lot smoother ...
Time to obtain using a minion Daysⓘto acquire24xRed Mushroomusing aMushroom Minion (By tier, No fuel, No Minion Upgrades) If the player has multiple minions, divide the number of days by how many minions will be used. IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXII ...
Within the Hypixel Minecraft server, players can enjoy entertaining and unique games like SkyBlock, SkyWars, and Bed Wars, while being required to possess a Java Edition Minecraft account. Joining Hypixel Server is incredibly simple. You only need two things: a Minecraft account and the Hypixel IP...
There was no mistaking it, it was the one I had drawn, but it was now on the ceiling? It was as if this place was...moving? My lord...How is this even possible? I have to find a way, I have to... Are these walls alive? Who's doing this? What a terrible joke, why don...
The most intelligent Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Mod. Official Support Discord Join Our Discord! Features Solvers F7 Terminal Solvers (Shows the correct solution/order.) Creeper Solver (Shows what sea lanterns to hit.) Simon Says Solver (Shows correct buttons to hit.) Blaze Room Solver (Shows what...
The skyblockVersion property determines whether the bot should send a message when the Skyblock version changes.CommandsThe commands object contains the settings related to the bot's commands.The normal property determines whether the normal commands are enabled or not. If it's set to true, the ...
SkyBlock Prototype June 11, 20190.1 Added Enchanted Spruce Wood.Hidev· d· eSpruce Wood Collection Spruce Minion Spruce Leaves Portal to Spruce Woods Taiga Biome Stick Enchanted Spruce Wood Sawmill Mystery Wolf PetCategories: Uncommon items Items Spruce Wood Collection Wood Enchanted Community content...
SkyBlock Prototype Jan 15, 20210.11AddedStarfall. Unknown DateRemoved extra line in lore. Sep 17, 20240.20.6Starfallnow can be obtained by mining within range of aFallen Star. Hidev·d·eDwarven Mines ShowSub-Locations ShowMining ShowEvents ...
This depends on Mojang support response time, which as of now is easily up to 3 weeks (hence the 30-day recovery period after appeal) Especially with The Pit and SkyBlock having permanent inventories, security is more important than ever, and just being aware may protect your account. Until...