/player [player] - Uses API to find skills, slayers, coins and weight of a player. /reloadconfig - Reloads Danker's Skyblock Mod config. /reloaddsmrepo - Reloads Danker's Skyblock Mod repository. /hotmof [player] - Uses API to find total powder and HotM tree of a person. If no ...
1.Skyblockaddons:(简称sba)(已经停止更新,而且bug很多,但是这是skbmod的鼻祖) https://github.com/BiscuitDevelopment/SkyblockAddons/releases/latest 2.danker’s skyblock mod:(简称dsm)(oneconfig):附魔桌小游戏辅助,地牢puzzle solver等边缘性辅助功能:https://github.com/bowser0000/SkyblockMod/releases/latest...
a heart of the forest,效仿hotm有个伐木的技能树 伐木竞赛,但是不是pvp,只是你自己的成绩之类的 这里的怪物都会有神话盾,需要用神话伤害武器破盾 此区域可以找到新的野莓 压力 在水下会有水压值,会慢慢减少你的气泡 会有水压抗性以及氧气之类的 神庙 神庙会给所有人提供加成 新的职业:猎手 这个以后会有自己的...
However, only the highest rarity of a specific pet contributes to the score, not multiple rarities of the same pet. Provided by: Fandom How does the guardian pet function in Hypixel Skyblock? In Hypixel Skyblock, the Guardian Pet is a companion that provides bonus stats and effects. ...
The regular vanilla enchantment, Infinity, is one of the few vanilla enchantments not in SkyBlock. It is replaced in the form Infinite Quiver. It is possible to get Infinite Quiver X from dungeons, which effectively used to function the same as Infinity would, although this was changed on the...
ENDGAME HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK ACCOUNT / 19B NW / CATA 46 / SA 47 / HOTM 7 / MVP+Thread Status: Not open for further replies.Make Offer Belletis 1 0 0 Offline Joined: 6/19/23 Posts: 14 Likes Received: 1 My Location: View Price $: 650 Buy Now Before buying message me in ...
欢迎来到 Hypixel SkyBlock 版本 0.20.1。今天的更新有很多新内容,包括 Hoppity的寻‘兔’ 和巧克力工厂,Glacite Tunnels的后续补丁,一些期待已久的黑市变化,以及更多! 两年前我们在饼干的页面加入了饼干点击器 去年我们改良了这个功能 今年我们将把这个放入游戏的正常流程中 ...
hypixel skyblock 挖矿v3 第二轮测试 - 哔哩哔哩 (bilibili.com 未来的更新 极冰矿洞v2 这会增加一些npc,钓鱼,新活动,新收集和hotm相关的物品来完善新区域,还有钓鱼相关的内容 会对整个挖矿流程做个翻新,把旧机制,比如热量和低能等熔炉之类的更改掉
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
hypixel skyblock 挖矿v3 第二轮测试 - 哔哩哔哩 (bilibili.com 未来的更新 极冰矿洞v2 这会增加一些npc,钓鱼,新活动,新收集和hotm相关的物品来完善新区域,还有钓鱼相关的内容 会对整个挖矿流程做个翻新,把旧机制,比如热量和低能等熔炉之类的更改掉