BOSS是一种拥有巨量血量和死后会收集掉落仪式的Hypixel Skyblock生物,他们拥有一个系统来通过你的输出伤害、谁召唤的去确定你的掉落物。 岩浆巨怪Magma Cube Boss 我打败岩浆巨怪的次数不可计数! ——下界女王Elle 种类:生物 等级:100级 血量:150,000点 生成 岩浆巨怪,生成在烈焰堡垒的岩浆区域内。每两个小时生成一...
Booster Cookie 增益曲奇购买 空岛生存最终还是没逃过氪金的命运...新的货币——Skyblock Gems 空岛生存宝石诞生了,它可以用于购买皮肤、增益曲奇以及升级各种加成等。 不过好在增益曲奇可以在集市买到。而且初次与Elizabeth交谈可以在曲奇界面领取一块免费的增益曲奇,不过免费的不能卖, 增益曲奇本质上类似一种空岛生存内部...
There are, as of SkyBlock 0.21, 122 Accessories in the game (excluding their own upgrades) and the maximum Magical Power is 1,709 and another 138 from Dungeon Accessories, adding up to 1,847 in Dungeons. On top of that, 53 Accessories can be Enriched.If...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
省流 选举票数第二多的会当副市长,他们的一些技能会生效 几乎所有市长都有了新技能 diaz完全重做 foxy的新活动 还有更多! 1 副市长系统 现在票数第二多的市长也会上任,副市长在任期间的技能会被星星标出来 比如如果这个aatrox落选了,但是他的票数第二多,他打星的技能就会生效 ...
猎手4级,可以自己刷僵尸t2或者找人带你t4 17个护符 从以下挑17个 farming, speed potion affinity coins magnetic gravity nightvision charm wood affinity emerald ring 商店能买的全套6个 篝火3个跑酷护符 指南针护符 真爱戒指 diamond spreading 还是在老地方刷钻石 ...
[NPC] Frosty: Here the Jerrys make and deliver Gifts to all of SkyBlock! [NPC] Frosty: When its time to deliver Gifts, Mount Jerry always erupts and the village is ravaged by heat-based enemies! [NPC] Frosty: It is up to you, [player], to help save the day. Take this Snow Cann...
Quantum All Equipment Pieces Cayenne Green Thumb Prosperity Weapons Swords, Fishing Weapons, Longswords and Gauntlets Bane of Arthropods Champion Cleave Critical Ender Slayer Execute Fire Aspect First Strike Giant Killer Knockback Lethality Life Steal ...
Vanilla Objects are items/mobs/blocks in vanilla (unmodified) Minecraft, and are in the game, but have little to no special purpose specific to SkyBlock, and as such are listed here to avoid page clutter. If vanilla items have an important enough SkyBloc
空岛生存最终还是没逃过氪金的命运...新的货币——Skyblock Gems 空岛生存宝石诞生了,它可以用于购买皮肤、增益曲奇以及升级各种加成等。 不过好在增益曲奇可以在集市买到。而且初次与Elizabeth交谈可以在曲奇界面领取一块免费的增益曲奇,不过免费的不能卖,