每个人都应该立即开始用Duplex Terminator射击 Kuudra,并连续按 Shift 使用Precursor Eye Beam,而Stunner应该留在 Kuudra 内。 对于射击 Kuudra 的人来说,拥有 100% 的攻速很重要,用Golden Dragon是最简单的方法。此外,您还可以给Precursor Eye打上Renowned重铸,如果您解锁了龙精商店特权,它会提供 15 攻速。 Kuu...
【Minecraft】Hypixel Skyblock Boss介绍之末影龙 Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock 基础与进阶 · 40篇 末影龙(Ender Dragon)是玩家初次进入末地时生成的危险的、会飞行的Boss生物。在所有能够自然生成的生物中,末影龙是最大的。它同时也是最广为人知的Minecraft最终Boss。 注:此文撰写于 0.14.0 版本。部分资料来源于Fandom ...
The free accessibleauction house flipper ↗️allows you to find profitable AH flips in no time. It supplements the option to browse all of the Skyblock history on the web tracker. What's more is that you can see what auctions were used as reference to determine if a flip is profitable....
Storm will attempt to damage the player with lightning bolts within an area from fireballs thrown onto the ground. Storm will occasionally start a countdown, after which lightning will strike anywhere that is not under an intact crusher and deal 2 bursts of 75% of player's Health as ...
/va stats: Prints out SkyBlock tab stats. /va pet: Prints out current pet. /va pt: Prints out daily playtime. /va sf: Prints out current soulflow(requires accessory in inventory). Status /va fps: Prints out client's FPS. /va tps: Prints out server's TPS. ...
应该立即从商店购买Human Cannonball(80 Tokens)。这将允许你从场地两侧的大炮进入 Kuudra 的腹部。坐上大炮后,左键点击大炮,瞄准 Kuudra。你应该看到粉红色的豆荚挂在天花板上,还有地上的小怪。 就原文作者而言,在大炮飞行时装备了 3/4 Goldor和一个 Spirit Mask,以确保在 Stun 时不会死亡,但在没有的情况...