Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki is a community-made wiki about Hypixel's gamemode, SkyBlock. Anyone can contribute! Discover, share, and add your knowledge!
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
至于walls和其他游戏则是毫无可比性 本帖的目标就是带领新玩家们快速入门skyblock并进行一些拓展,享受这款游戏 719763 hypixel吧 qt1225🐑 SkyBlock前中期剑升级&附魔小指南(截至aotd)1L 因为在贴吧上搜到的指南基本都是烂尾,所以我决定开一贴来专门讲讲剑的升级和附魔方法 希望能顺利写完 数据收集于2020年6月初...
wyattyº skyblock钓鱼等级怎么样升的快combat啥的都40级左右 fishing和foraging还只有20级 不知道怎么升了 感觉钓海怪好慢 fishing小人有感觉换了太麻烦 有什么钓鱼gear推荐嘛 分享204 hypixel吧 tianºლ Skyblock 0.18.5 更新翻译https://hypixel.net/threads/skyblock-patch-0-18-5-abiphone-conta 大家好...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi