skyblock钓鱼..岩浆钓鱼前纯折磨人等到了岩浆钓鱼后基本2h/lvl而且还勉强能赚但是trophyfish 建议碰都别碰,dinner策划搞出来折磨人的,一点都赚不了,全diamond要上百小时,就给2scc
Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki is a community-made wiki about Hypixel's gamemode, SkyBlock. Anyone can contribute! Discover, share, and add your knowledge!
七种SkyBlock技能:(农业)Farming, (食品)Foraging,(矿业) Mining, (战斗)Combat,(渔业) Fishing, (附魔)Enchanting , (炼药)Alchemy 随着技能等级的提升,你可以获得相应等级的奖励和(Perks)额外待遇,如果想了解更多具体信息,请点击背包中的下界之星(SkyBlock Menu) ●SkyBlock Menu如你所见,这就是是此时SkyBlock菜...
Hypixel Skyblock Accounts - Buy Sell Trade Buy Sell Trade Hypixel Skyblock Accounts, Coins and Other ServicesHypixel Skyblock Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Listings: 3,457 Yesterday at 7:31 AM Latest: Hypixel Skyblock Account 4.13B Coins SB LVL 221 SA 47 Foraging 50 Cata 26 27 Minion ...
This skill also unlocks access to three locations, the Spider's Den at level I, the Blazing Fortress at level V, and The End at level XII, and gives extra crit chance coins, and SkyBlock XP with each level. LX (60) Foraging Foraging is a non-cosmetic skill leveled up through ...
Kat在Skyblock Hub的34,71,-100。 3.如何获得宠物: 我这里按获得方式将宠物分为三种:配方解锁类,怪物掉落类,活动获得类,其中,前面二者的稀有度完全看脸,配方解锁类的稀有度则和材料有关:Enchanted Egg 附魔蛋(Raw Chicken V解锁) 能出普通,精良,稀有宠物 ...
宠物能升至100级满级,其经验获取与技能相对应(指Combat Mining Fishing Foraging Farming Enchanting Alchemy这些,宠物下面标有其属于哪一种类),获取经验与技能经验同步,且对应技能经验获取量为100%,若获取途径与当前所召唤宠物种类不匹配时经验获取量仅为25%。比如 玩家带着蠹虫宠物(sliverfish,种类为mining)去挖了...
If it's set to true, the bot will send a message to the Guild chat when a new Hypixel news article is posted, when Hypixel's status changes, and when the Skyblock version changes.The hypixelNews property determines whether the bot should send a message when a new Hypixel news article ...
技能提升藥水原只為 COVID-19 疫情期間的玩家而短暫加入。 社交技能未進入遊戲之前,其內容曾給一名名叫 Caameroon 的 Helper 所泄漏,時間約為 2020 年 11 月 9 日,1:50 PM (EDT 美國東部夏令時間)。 Linman 是首個將所有技能升級至 50 的玩家,亦為首個平均技能級數達 50 的玩家。
The skyblockVersion property determines whether the bot should send a message when the Skyblock version changes.CommandsThe commands object contains the settings related to the bot's commands.The normal property determines whether the normal commands are enabled or not. If it's set to true, the ...