宠物是一种在你身边跟随的伙伴。不同的宠物有不同的用处,除了Jerry Pet。 宠物可以升级从而提高其能力。玩家在任何时候都只可以有一只宠物跟随你,并且只会获得该宠物的能力。其余在空岛生存菜单中的宠物不会给予任何属性或被动效果。被召唤时,它们会以生物或漂浮的自定义
In Hypixel Skyblock, leveling pets enhances their stats and passive effects. Benefits include boosted base stats and magic find, with extra magic find every 10 levels. The Taming Skill, earned by leveling pets, offers additional pet XP and pet luck. Only the active pet's bonuses apply, while...
All Fishing items: Obtained by Fishing. Note: The Fishing Fairy Souls can be collected, displaying the standard message, but have no benefit, as there is no way to trade them in for buffs. Nametag: Great Catch from normal fishing Trading Villagers (from curing Zombie Villagers) can be trad...
Skyblock 0.19 裂隙更新(峡谷更新/巫师塔更新)的主要内容。Rift是另一个维度,整个地图大致是hub的镜像(见下图)。Rift更新的噱头之一是让玩家获得“游戏内最强项链”(Rift necklace)。本次更新新增了大量skyblock经验、许多新护符、吸血鬼猎手、吸血鬼小人、收集、宠物等。●如何进入rift战斗等级到达12即可进入,入口是...
【skyblock】..这个贴子是有关skyblock护符,附魔和药水的贴子。资料都来源于skyblock wiki和我自己从游戏中实验探索所得。以下的内容可能会有错误或缺失,我也很欢迎各位吧友可以指正,希望可以互相讨论游戏
Pet Items 和Candy Pet Items 此次更新加入了一个新形式的物品,Pet Items(宠物物品)!宠物们现在可以使用特殊物品来获得特殊的能力或者加成,不过每个宠物在一段时间内只能使用一个物品,而且这些物品都是可消耗品。 你可以在Skyblock中通过商店,刷怪或者合成的方式来得到这些宠物物品。
True HEX display for dye items Estimated Item Value Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see...
True HEX display for dye items Estimated Item Value Quicknav:(Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book:Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the...
Skills - As mentioned in the "mining" section, there are 12 Skills in SkyBlock (Alchemy, Carpentry, Combat, Enchanting, Farming, Fishing, Foraging, Mining, Taming, Dungeoneering, Social, and Runecrafting), all of which can be leveled up to make them more effective at what they do; in mos...
True HEX display for dye items Estimated Item Value Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see...