5星地牢物品,直接搞hyper cleaver,9金精粹就能满,在后面水晶矿洞任务里开箱拿精粹就行了 t4药水,搞瓶速度药水,然后放npc买的萤石粉 召唤arachne 击杀固定刷新点位的守卫者,4个碎片召唤 puzzler的任务使用mod直接过,在矮人皇宫左边 25小人几个简单的就行了 aote,这个一定要每天去酿药师买烈焰粉,或者去刷bal的小...
2049 7 1:21:25 App rift全Guide / Walkthrough (Hypixel Skyblock) 1555 1 8:15 App The Rift - Easy Beginner's Guide (Hypixel Skyblock Wizard Portal Update) 2389 2 1:08 App skyblock 史上最好的更新!(Hypixel Skyblock) 976 -- 58:01 App I Spent ONE YEAR Hunting for this SkyBlock Item...
Skyblock level Essence Shop Your Essence Power Stone Guide Stats Tuning Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind: Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock and press the lock button. Item Tooltip: (Provides information on) NPC Sell Prices Motes...
[NPC] Frosty: Here the Jerrys make and deliver Gifts to all of SkyBlock! [NPC] Frosty: When its time to deliver Gifts, Mount Jerry always erupts and the village is ravaged by heat-based enemies! [NPC] Frosty: It is up to you, [player], to help save the day. Take this Snow Cann...
If it's set to true, the bot will send a message to the Guild chat when a new Hypixel news article is posted, when Hypixel's status changes, and when the Skyblock version changes.The hypixelNews property determines whether the bot should send a message when a new Hypixel news article ...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
继续刷小麦 直到造出全套farm suit 和farming talisman 卖掉所有小麦但是留下种子(可以造个箱子存到私人岛上) 去maxwell把你的mp转到warrior(前期最好的) 用经验搞一把效率金铲子 去蘑菇岛刷沙子 直到mining 12 造把金镐然后挖煤 进入gold mine 和lazy miner对话拿他的镐子,用他的镐子自动熔炼刷铁和金直到进入...
SkyHanni is especially useful when doing farming, slayers, Bingo, Diana, fishing, Rift or mining.Getting StartedInstall: Follow the installation guide. Set Up: Type /sh or /skyhanni in-game to configure your settings. Explore: See all the features here.Discord & Support...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
NotEnoughUpdates (NEU) is a feature rich 1.8.9 Minecraft forge mod for Hypixel Skyblock.Getting StartedInstalling ForgeRun normal Minecraft 1.8.9 and once it reaches the title screen wait about 5 seconds and close it. Install Minecraft 1.8.9 forge from the forge website Once you click on ...