lapis armor青金石套(推荐)获得方式:击杀deep caverns 的lapis querry中的怪物小概率掉落,不想肝的就直接从拍卖行买吧farmers suit农民套获得方式:小麦合成fairy’s suit仙女套获得方式:仙女旁边的湖里钓鱼小概率获得mushroom armor蘑菇套(推荐)获得方式:24个蘑菇合成晚上3倍生命值,效果强劲南瓜套,仙人掌套,树叶套,...
在进入boss前,穿上mastiff armor(狗套,狼slayer 5的装备,特点是高血量0防御),并让队伍奶妈开大招。之后【换回正常的衣服】,并【在不切换任何手持物品、装备、护符、宠物】的前提下进入boss,你会保留狗套+wish的超高血量。实战上,这些血量会让你很容易度过P1、避免暴毙。这个操作的原理是hypixel的血量更新是滞后...
Rekindled Ember Armor is an EPIC Armor set. This Armor set can be paired with a LEGENDARY Magma Cube Pet to buff the Armor's Stats by up to 50% at Level 100. (The Armor Upgrades will be buffed too). This armor is a reference to the Ember Armor , crafted
Superior Dragon Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set obtained from Superior Dragons or Crafting, which grants a wide range of Stats, in addition to increasing almost all of them by 5%. This armor also increases the damage of the Aspect of the Dragons' Ability,
Hypixel SkyBlock, a Minecraft game, is a very interesting new take on the Minecraft experience. With crazy new features, an economy (even a rip-off stock market), custom armor, weapons, abilities, bosses, and more! It's revolutionized the Minecraft experience, and is very fun to play aroun...
QOL changes that enhances your Hypixel Skyblock experience. Created to add features I couldn't find in a mod, or if the mod was paid (which is against theMojang TOS). Discord Server: Modrinth Link: ...
Perfect Armor is a tiered RARE-LEGENDARY Armor set that is unlocked at Diamond IX ( 50,000x Diamonds). Perfect Armor can be turned into Dungeon armor using Diamond Essence. All tiers of Perfect Armor require the same amount of Essence. Upgrading each pi
Super Heavy Armor is an EPIC or LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor set. It is dropped by Super Tank Zombies, which spawn in The Catacombs - Floor IV and up. As it is a Dungeons item, its stats receive a percentage buff based on one's Dungeoneering skill level whil
Primal Dragon Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set. Combat XXVI (26) is required to be able to use this set and, if the item is dungeonised, Catacombs XVI (16) is required to be able to use this set while in Dungeons. Primal Dragon Armor pieces can be droppe
SkyBlock Prototype June 11, 20190.1 Added Mushroom Armor. Feb 14, 20230.18 Mushroom Armor now requires Farming VII (7). July 12, 20230.19.1 Fixed Mushroom Armor not giving permanent Night Vision effect. Nov 19, 20240.20.8 Mushroom Armor can now be upgraded to Biohazard Armor. The Mushroom Ar...