Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
为了与更新相匹配,我们想让某些附魔更易于理解并移除一些让玩家感到困扰的猜测如该给什么装备打什么附魔,它们有什么要求,以及怎么制作、找到它们,所以我们新创建了一本便携附魔指引。玩家可以通过指令 /eg 或者点击附魔台界面中底下的按钮来打开。 Enchantments Guide Book ► Enchanted Books 附魔书 为了让附魔书仍然...
Enchanted Book Bundles are UNCOMMON-LEGENDARY distributable packages which contain several Enchanted Books. When right-clicked in the player's hand, they are given the listed quantity of the Enchanted Book the Bundle contains. The Bundle is consumed in t
Corrupt Soil腐化土极大提高能刷怪/动物的小人收益神中神 Enchanted Hopper附魔漏斗 小人满后以90%NPC售价出售溢出物品 Fly Catcher苍蝇拍虽然是升级,但提升20%效率 唯一的缺点是买不起 推荐配置 燧石(spider den有矿点) 7级以上 +岩浆+压缩机+拓展器 恶魂(前期大厅喊一嗓子找人买)岩浆+压缩机+拓展器 史莱姆(大...
Hypixel Th..Hello everyone!大家好!Today we are releasing the next major patch of SkyBlock which includes a new form
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
The Perfect Armor set can be upgraded into one of the best armor sets in SkyBlock. In order to do so, one will need craft the full set and upgrade each piece to T13, Recombobulate each piece, apply the Giant reforge to all of the pieces, apply level 6-7 Enchantments to them, and ...
如果高等级附魔书存在, 是有可能得到更高附魔等级的附魔书的, 但是不能在附魔台中获得,详见特殊附魔书(Special Enchanted Books)。 高等级附魔书 与普通的附魔不同,附魔的最高等级无法通过附魔台或者将两本等级 V 的附魔书进行合并获得。得到它只能通过特殊途径。附魔等级在常规途径无法达到 V 时,其最高附魔等级...
When a pet recipe is crafted with an Enchanted Egg, the resulting rarity can be COMMON, UNCOMMON, or RARE. When a Super Enchanted Egg is used, the resulting rarity is instead EPIC or LEGENDARY. When crafted this way, the resulting pet has a base 80% chance of becoming EPIC and a 20...
Current 64 64 64 64 64 64 SkyBlock Prototype June 11, 20190.1AddedEnchanted Acacia Wood. v·d·eAcacia Wood Collection Acacia Minion Acacia Leaves Portal to Savanna Woodland Savanna Biome Stick Enchanted Acacia Wood Repelling Candle Savanna Bow ...