活动 在Dwarven Mines地图内,每 20 分钟会刷新一个活动,活动列表如下: 2x Powder双倍粉尘 - 在活动期间采集秘银所获得的粉尘翻倍。 Goblin Raid哥布林袭击 - 击杀 1000 只哥布林(以当前 server 计算,非个人)。 - 个人只需击杀 25 只哥布林即可达到奖励最低要求。 Raffle抽奖 - 将捡取到的门牌放入箱子内,结束...
Hypixel Skyblock 0.20.1更新 巧克力工厂,hoppity的寻宝 还有更多! https://hypixel.net/threads/hypixel-skyblock-patch-notes-0-20-1-chocolate-factory-hoppity%E2%80%99s-hunt-and-more.5645591/page-2#post-39613616 欢迎来到 Hypixel SkyBlock 版本 0.20.1。今天的更新有很多新内容,包括 Hoppity的寻‘兔’ ...
Auto-detect waypoint from chat for example when talking to king Nucleus waypoints Wishing compass helper Treasure Chest Highlighter Crystal Waypoints server-sided sharing via WebSocket Glacite Tunnels: Cold Overlay Corpse Finder Commission HUD: Provides information on Dwarven Mines / Crystal Hollows ...
SkyBlock Prototype July 14, 20210.12 Added Gemstones. Added Gemstone slots to Aspect of the End, Aspect of the Void, Zombie Sword, Ornate Zombie Sword, Reaper Falchion, Pooch Sword, Axe of the Shredded, Yeti Sword, Midas' Sword, Daedalus Axe, Aspect of the Dragons, Bonzo's Staff, Spirit...
Scary Jerry Wither Gourd Phantom Spirit Trick or Treater Wraith Crazy Witch Mega Bat Season of Jerry Magma Cubes Liquid Hot Magma Dungeon Mobs Dungeon Mobs Private Island Zombie Skeleton Spider Cave Spider Enderman Slime Witch Iron Golem Passive Mobs ...
F7 Phase 5 (Wither King):phasefive.wav Hub:hub.wav Private Island:island.wav Farming Islands:farmingislands.wav Garden:garden.wav Gold Mine:goldmine.wav Deep Caverns:deepcaverns.wav Dwarven Mines:dwarvenmines.wav Crystal Hollows:crystalhollows.wav ...
Auto-detect waypoint from chat for example when talking to king Nucleus waypoints Wishing compass helper Treasure Chest Highlighter Crystal Waypoints server-sided sharing via WebSocket Glacite Tunnels: Cold Overlay Commission HUD: Provides information on Dwarven Mines / Crystal Hollows / Glacite Mining ...
The Barn里的Windmill Operator说,仙女灵魂(Fairy Souls)会吓坏动物,Dwarven Mines里的Tal Ker也说Tia仙女对于死去的姐妹没有表现出什么感情,这让他觉得毛骨悚然 Aatrox和Maddox的背景: …Both Maddox and his brother are in fact from Scarleton, but contrary to the other habitants, the 2 brothers were born...
使用/warp <位置>指令传送到其地点(使用SkyblockAddons等模组会有传送地图,十分便捷) /warp home /is(自己岛上) /hub(大厅) /warp dhub(地牢大厅)只需去一次即可解锁该位置的传送卷轴 正文 私人岛屿 Private Island 梦,开始的地方。 这里一开始仅有2个岛屿,你需要拿一些方块连接两座岛屿(不要用下半砖,会吞...
Shania is an NPC located in the ф Dreadfarm. They give the player Wand of Farming and provide an explanation to how to collect the three collections available in Dreadfarm.