· SkyBlock XP· 获得Skyblock经验值· Unlocking Backpack Slots· 解锁背包格子o Backpack Slots 2-18 will now be locked by default. The more Fairy Souls you find, the more Backpack Slots you will unlock.o 背包2-18格会在默认状态下锁定,找到更多的仙女魂就可以解锁更多槽位。* Note: Backpacks ...
Upon reading the Dungeon Journals it becomes apparent thatSadan was once a mageexploring The Catacombs, being recruited by The Watcher upon noticing his proficiency with necromancy. Lathrop和Emmett博士可能分别成为了游戏中见到的Scarf和教授,理由如下: 漏洞: 剧情文本中并未给出两人的外貌描写,无法确认推论...
2.danker’s skyblock mod:(简称dsm)(oneconfig):附魔桌小游戏辅助,地牢puzzle solver等边缘性辅助功能:https://github.com/bowser0000/SkyblockMod/releases/latest discord:https://discord.gg/QsEkNQS 3.DungeonRooms(简称dr):地牢secret位置:https://github.com/Quantizr/DungeonRoomsMod/releases/latest discord...
DungeonExtras Dungeons QOL for Hypixel Skyblock. Includes few cheater versions. Installation Install the .zip Add to .minecraft/config/Chattriggers/modules /ct load ingame or launch minecraft. Usage: /de help - Display commands list. /de - Config GUI. //auto4 - Toggle auto i4. /nicepb...
/sbplayers - Uses API to find how many players are on each Skyblock island. /reparty - Disbands and reparties all members in the party /fairysouls - Check the fairysouls of a player /skilltracker <start/stop/reset> - Text display for skill xp/hour. ...
Currently, there are 12 different Stats in Hypixel SkyBlock; Strength - increases damage dealt and affects Foraging, Fairy Souls, and Forbidden Strength; Intelligence - increases player's Mana amount and affects Enchanting, Alchemy, Melody, Defuse Kit, and Forbidden Intelligence; Health - determines ...
Fscxx9 11-16 66 拜拜skyblock zek233 nw30b pt2500h mod:st neu dungeon room bza soopy 无黑历史,纯良 wipe原因:刚加入的coop被怀疑boosting导致账号wipe 隔壁skyblock吧原贴 火彤 11-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页> 尾页 共有主题数8447个,贴子数 263227篇pvper数12566 皇冠...
职业能力:Class Passives(类似被动)、 Dungeon Stone Abilities(类似主动技能) 、Ghost Abilities(死亡OB技能)。 奶妈(Healer) Class Passives Renew: 治疗能力治疗目标增加50%效果。 Healing Aura: 被动治疗8个方块范围内所有活着的队友,每秒0.5%的生命值。
Dungeon Rooms Mod What it does: This mod adds Secret Waypoints to Skyblock Dungeons, allowing for faster and easier secret finding. The hotkey to configure waypoints is "P" by default. Alternatively, you can also view images of the secret locations in the DSG Discord or with the SkyblockPers...
Upon reading the Dungeon Journals it becomes apparent thatSadan was once a mageexploring The Catacombs, being recruited by The Watcher upon noticing his proficiency with necromancy. Lathrop和Emmett博士可能分别成为了游戏中见到的Scarf和教授,理由如下: ...