The basic principle to profit from this venture is to buy less, sell high. Always keep a lookout for in-demand items in the Bazaar that can be bought for a low price from Merchants. Minions One of the most popular resource-generating ventures in Hypixel Skyblock is minions. Minions are ...
词条的存在导致我们得非猩红岛屿装备分配很多数值来防止同价位猩红岛屿装备完全碾压没有词条的装备,我们试着把词条放到所有装备并且重新平衡他们,但是失败了 2 等级平衡的问题 考虑到属性的强度,有些人问我们为什么不直接削弱这些词条,这是因为我们很难找到一个平衡的点削弱,毕竟有些词条能直接叠到40/80层,我们很难确...