【skyblock】..这个贴子是有关skyblock护符,附魔和药水的贴子。资料都来源于skyblock wiki和我自己从游戏中实验探索所得。以下的内容可能会有错误或缺失,我也很欢迎各位吧友可以指正,希望可以互相讨论游戏
The Bal boss has a chance to drop a certain gemstone upon hit. Image Name Level Drop Chance Bal [Lv100] Flawed Ruby Gemstone 5% Flawed Topaz Gemstone Crystal Nucleus Crystal Nucleus loot bundle drops 1 Fine Gemstone of each type when completed. It can also drop additional Flawed, ...
In Hypixel Skyblock, leveling pets enhances their stats and passive effects. Benefits include boosted base stats and magic find, with extra magic find every 10 levels. The Taming Skill, earned by leveling pets, offers additional pet XP and pet luck. Only the active pet's bonuses apply, while...
前往深层矿洞 先收集金子解锁cleaver。然后前往barn杀鸡做两个鸡小人(为pet收集做准备,记得使用medium箱)。使用青金石+红石+钻石前往矮人矿洞(钻石用于5k收集的diamond spreading和reinforced需要的rare diamond(深层矿洞挖钻石掉落))同时挖64个绿宝石(romero任务)挖矿等级前往沙漠挖沙子(沙子造小人) ...
The Jerry Pet is a craftable Combat Pet. This pet is intended as a joke, as it does not actually give any useful perks. Crafting requires 8x Move Jerry and an Enchanted Egg or Super Enchanted Egg. It gives -1 ✎ Intelligence for every level. Despit