首先准备三个Mod(均合法mod) ① ChatTriggers(ctjs) v2.1.5 / v2.2.0 http://www.chattriggers.com ② SoopyV2 v1.1 https://github.com/Soopyboo32/SoopyV2Forge/releases/tag/1.1 ③ Skytils https://github.com/Skytils/SkytilsMod/releases SoopyV2开启如下功能(设置有效的Api Key) Settings-Eve...
404 There is either no player with the given UUID, or the player has no SkyBlock profiles. 429 The Hypixel API rate-limited was reached, if you see this in your resposnes you should slow down requests, or start caching response to prevent having to make as many requests in the future....
¡攻击者可能会试图通过提供SkyBlock Coins来引诱你,以让你“测试”他们的mod。然而,一旦你启动mod,你的帐户将被窃取,你将无法从攻击者那里获得任何coins。 l 模拟服务器管理员或机器人 ¡攻击者可能使用假Discord帐户(或假Discord机器人帐户)发送大量私聊,声称自己是SkyBlock服务器的员工,或声称自己是服务器的机...
6.skytils简称:st/skt功能:功能最全的mod之一,包括地牢解密辅助,水晶洞地图,slayer辅助,少量garden辅助,坐标标记,内置防砍动画与强制疾跑等pvp模组基础功能(毕竟和强制疾跑一个作者)前置:essential优化也很差,而且经常出bug,但这不影响它作为skyblock最重要mod之一的地位 9楼2024-07-17 18:37 回复 frosty...
hypixel hypixel-skyblock Updated Jan 10, 2025 Java zt3h / MaroAPI Star 182 Code Issues Pull requests A lightweight Hypixel Skyblock API, providing a user with an easier way to communicate with Hypixel's API. javascript skyblock hypixel hypixel-api hypixel-skyblock Updated Mar 7, 2023 ...
=> tryjava --enable-preview -jar SkyBlockCore.jar {ServerType} Thanks to: All the lovely people in the Minestom discord for single-handedly carrying all of my knowledge about this API. Myself and any other contributors, which can be viewed on this Git page. ...
press f4 to open the wiki page about the held item. optifabric compatibility waypoints api config button in skyblock menu chest value add useful tips in chat suppress badlion packet warnings remove screens when switching island skin transparency correction skyblock xp messages share position and set ...
Hypixel API recently has been having some issues with their Skyblock Data, so if the app doesnt work, its most likely due to that. Dont worry, the app should be up after a few hours. Thats all for this update! App Privacy The developer,Paul Peng Wang, indicated that the app’s privac...
(其实就是***没钱只能钓鱼) 所以就打算开这个帖子 Lord Jawbus镇楼 先看有没有人支持 有人再更新 18633 hypixel吧 1212zx520 2023/6/7 Hypixel Skyblock 更新日志https://hypixel.net/threads/june-7-skyblock-patch-notes.5385735/ bug 修复 修复了宠物即使在隐藏模式下还是会阻挡玩家放置方块的问题 修复了cl...