Hypixel sk..你的岛屿 your island游戏一开始你会出生在你的岛屿上,第一件事应该就是做个工作台,然后铺路抵达对面的传送门。传送门通向的是公共岛屿(hub),游戏初期的大部分工作都在公共岛上进行,此外你也可
先从如何进入地牢开始讲起吧地牢有两个入口,一个是地牢主大厅(就是传送门对应的,贼气派那个),还有一个在hub的墓园的地下部分,不过没人去 来自iPhone客户端3楼2022-02-07 01:56 回复 CrackXD 小吧主 12 地牢大厅有三个重要的NPC,分别是Mort,ophelia,malikmort是地牢组队用的,ophelia是书店老板,可以卖地牢药水...
It is the song that plays in the carnival event, a location accessible in the Skyblock Hub as of the Better Mayors update. Hope you enjoy! Composing in a major key was very hard for me. Majority if not all of my compositions use minor, pentatonic, phrygian, blues etc. Making it not ...
Here's the great thing about all of this: You don't need any other plugins to run this SkyBlock Remake! The plugin is also coded in the most efficient way, to prevent lag & unwanted glitches/bugs. Installation If you want to install this for yourself, and only yourself (Limited to a...
[NPC] Frosty: Here the Jerrys make and deliver Gifts to all of SkyBlock! [NPC] Frosty: When its time to deliver Gifts, Mount Jerry always erupts and the village is ravaged by heat-based enemies! [NPC] Frosty: It is up to you, [player], to help save the day. Take this Snow Cann...
Skyblock-R..一、概述●什么是Rift Dimension(裂隙维度)Skyblock 0.19 裂隙更新(峡谷更新/巫师塔更新)的主要内容。Rift是另一个维度,整个地图大致是hub的镜像(见下图)。Rift更新
Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpack Preview: After cli...
hub adventurer 可以买的所有护符 250地狱疣收集的护符 250甘蔗收集的护符 绿宝石收集有2个 刷末地的发光方块可以刷黑曜石,黑曜石收集里有一个 地牢大厅,jerry岛,伐木岛,末地跑酷 篝火徽章 罗密哦任务戒指 25级的book of progression 准备好了就可以蹭神药然后用void sword晚上吃蘑菇套的属性刷末影人了,白天可...
用之前的经验瓶在hub的附魔台把能砸的附魔都砸上去 去蜘蛛岛屿找relic(用skytils 搜relic就行) 每个10k,记得及时存到银行里面 想办法把拿得到的都找一下(可以使用/warp,bingo默认解锁所有的传送卷轴) 然后去刷小麦直到总共够200k 去末地在晚上(蘑菇套有加成)尝试刷5个末影人,可以刷接近出生点的,因为可以死了...