●Enigma SoulsEnigma Souls是rift中类似仙女魂的元素,按住tab可以看到自己的收集进度(共42个)。第五张图中右侧即为一个魂,左侧为Enigma NPC。与他对话后会获得一件斗篷Enigma Cloak,装备后每收集1个魂就能增加20秒初始rift time。每收集四个魂,可以与Enigma对话,花钱提升斗篷属性。Wyld Woods的10个魂:①巫师塔...
To give yourself ADMIN, log in and out of the server, go into your MongoDB compass, click on Minestom -> data, find your profile and set your rank to "ADMIN". Log back in and you'll have it. Proxy Setup Guide Download 'SkyBlockProxy.jar' from the releases pagehere ...
-136.551120.5In the, which can be accessed by jumping into the lake from a high elevation Two Plates-128.57277.5Unlocked when 2 players stand on the nearby Pressure Plates Fleespook-26.589136.5Revealed after following the Fleespook Up in the Sky-136.5132156.5Accessible by getting launched by th...
Fairy Souls 1.下载这个模组: https://url45.ctfile.com/f/33492345-602333386-96b8fe?p=fdsd (访问密码: fdsd) 需要安装一个Minecraft 1.12.2 Forge版本,这个就自行上网搜索吧! 必须要是1.12.2 2.然后把模组放入这个版本的mod文件夹 如果开启了版本隔离,那么就要注意自己是否将mod放入了正确的文件夹,然后就可...
There are, as of SkyBlock 0.21, 122 Accessories in the game (excluding their own upgrades) and the maximum Magical Power is 1,709 and another 138 from Dungeon Accessories, adding up to 1,847 in Dungeons. On top of that, 53 Accessories can be Enriched.If...
/sbplayers - Uses API to find how many players are on each Skyblock island. /reparty - Disbands and reparties all members in the party /fairysouls - Check the fairysouls of a player /skilltracker <start/stop/reset> - Text display for skill xp/hour. ...
PS:在hub增加了3个fairy souls,并重新装修了Bea's home。 (译者注:三个灵魂坐标:-32 76 -212/-247 74 125/169 60 129 入口:-45 83 -207/-253 74 128/168 69 130) 原网址https://hypixel.net/threads/skyblock-patch-0-7-7-bazaar.2655146/...
Fairy Soul Finder (Shows the location of dungeon fairy souls.) QOL Features Secrets Chest Close (Hit any key while in a secret chest to close it.) Ability Cooldown (Shows ability cooldowns.) Spirit Boots Fixer (Fixes spirit boots changing your hand to air.) Blood Room Warning (Shows dunge...
LifeIsTemporarySkyblockIsForever(wall)·3/18/2021 Copy Link TASPAL(wall)·4/19/2021 Copy Link PostApocalypticGamin(wall)·6/1/2021 Copy Link A Fandom user·3/16/2021 Copy Link It doesent works with infinite qiuver x if you put it in the qiuver, it gets consumed. ...
/sbplayers - Uses API to find how many players are on each Skyblock island. /reparty - Disbands and reparties all members in the party /fairysouls - Check the fairysouls of a player /skilltracker <start/stop/reset> - Text display for skill xp/hour. ...