Light_Clever UP :原IP是MC.HYPIXEL.NET 我在B站做视频 2020-8-15 又改了一次,我原先的那个也失效了,表现为:You tried to connect to the Hypixel Network using an unsupported address.Please connect to instead.应该是又加了层包的host头验证,我试试最终办法,就是iptables透明转发+修改...
cata - Catacombs 一般指你的地牢等级 AHN - Alpha Hypixel Network|Hypixel的测试服 红名- 指slayer t4/t5的较强小怪 粉名- 指slayer t4/t5的较强小怪 绿球- Radiant Power Orb 光辉宝珠 蓝球- Manaflux Power Orb 法力宝珠 红球- Overflux Power Orb 过载宝珠 紫球- Plasmaflux Pow...
看到很多人在说 hy..网易通过自己的正版协议,具体地址忘记了,更改在 LaunchWrapper.jar 里面(没开源的一部分,不过都没有混淆(毕竟要反射在forge调用方法,混淆维护就麻烦了))另外 所有mod都是加密过
For the most part yes, it's the same network - there are however certain small things that wi...
Connect to the Java edition server with as the server IP address to join the fun! Also visit for news and updates! The Hypixel Wiki is an unofficial wiki devoted to providing information about the Hypixel Network's many different games and features. The wiki...
未经授权的登入 - 如 Hypixel 怀疑你的账户有未经你的授权的使用状况,会向你发出 “Account Security Alert”。 假冒管理人员 物品或账户交易 诈骗 网络钓鱼 售卖账户 如果你认为有人违反规则 如果你认为有玩家违反了上述规则,你可以︰ 在游戏内︰使用/chatreport PlayerName指令 ...
分享31 我的世界吧 小橙sweet PRMC-Network服务器|公益|SKYBLOCK|PVP[PrimeMc]PRMC招新啦!服务器版本1.8-1.19.2 拥有多种小游戏和RPG玩法:Skyblock 服务器拥有 空岛战争 起床战争 PVP竞技 搭路练习(附带TNT RUN和色盲派对) 天坑乱斗 PRMC独家SKYBLOCK 服务器多个子服反作弊为中上水平 对外挂有一定抵御能力 服...
Maxwell is an NPC located in the ⏣ Thaumaturgist. He allows players to change the Accessory Powers on their Accessories.
Alpha Hypixel Network May 18, 2023AddedVampire Minion. SkyBlock Prototype June 20, 20230.19AddedVampire Minion. June 21, 2023RemovedVampire SlayerVrequirement. June 26, 2023FixedVampire Minionsbeing in the wrong category in theRecipe Book. Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise ...