The Magical Water Bucket is a COMMON item that acts like a normal Water Bucket but never runs empty, allowing infinite Water placement. It is unlocked at Ice V. Requirements Ice V (5) ( 1,000x Ice collected) 1x Enchanted Ice ( 160x Ice) 3x Iron Ingot
Improved Angler enchantment lore and Angler Armor lore Fixed Moby Chum quest becoming impossible to complete if you lose the Chum Bucket Fixed Flying Fish's Water Bender perk only working on lava for non-Mythical tiers. Fixed Fishing Minion VII having an incorrect tier texture Fixed back button ...
Improved Angler enchantment lore and Angler Armor lore Fixed Moby Chum quest becoming impossible to complete if you lose the Chum Bucket Fixed Flying Fish's Water Bender perk only working on lava for non-Mythical tiers. Fixed Fishing Minion VII having an incorrect tier texture Fixed back button ...