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The Crown of Greed is a LEGENDARY Helmet dropped from the Mythological Ritual. It increases Weapon damage at the cost of coins. The Crown of Greed can be obtained from digging Griffin Burrows with an EPIC or LEGENDARY Griffin Pet equipped. It has a 0.12
Vanilla Objects are items/mobs/blocks in vanilla (unmodified) Minecraft, and are in the game, but have little to no special purpose specific to SkyBlock, and as such are listed here to avoid page clutter. If vanilla items have an important enough SkyBloc
The Flying Fish Pet is a Fishing Pet dropped rarely by the Sea Emperor. The Flying Fish Pet has a chance to drop from the Sea Emperor, which requires Fishing XX (20) to be fished up. Pet Drop Rates RARE: 20% EPIC: 8% LEGENDARY: 2% calcname = Pet Query