增加了更多药水袋(Potions Bag)升级 为超级打包机3000增加了一个功能,这个功能可以让你在将超级打包机安装在冰仆从上时,选择将普通冰转换为附魔压缩冰(Enchanted Packed Ice)或附魔冰(Enchanted Ice) 建筑师NPC开售裂纹石砖 增加了/viewstash指令用于查询你存于stash中的物品 增加了/clearstash指令用于清除stash中的所...
The Werewolf is an EPIC Sea Creature that can be fished up during the from an hour before to an hour after the Spooky Festival. This Sea Creature is available in three-hour windows every Spooky Festival, more specifically when the Fear Mongerer is availa