Hyphens are used in fractions written out in full. one-third two-thirds four-tenths When numbers are written out in full, hyphens are used in all numbers between 21 and 99 (less those divisible by 10). fifty-one two hundred thirty-four three thousand five hundred sixty-seven ...
4)书写分数(connecting written-out fractions) three-quarters 5)逐字拼出单词或姓名,常用于对话,北美手势语(American Sign Language)等 “My name is Allison; that’s a-l-l-i-s-o-n.” 6)行尾单词排版断行 Hyphens should be used when spelling out a name or word letter by let- ter, in dialo...
[C]连字符,连(字)号a short written or printed line (-) which can join words or syllables 英英释义 hyphen n.a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text ...
Rule 4.Hyphens are often used to tell the ages of people and things. A handy rule, whether writing about years, months, or any other period of time, is to use hyphens unless the period of time (years, months, weeks, days) is written in plural form: ...
Hyphens are often seen in age-related terms (e.g., a twenty-one-year-old, a twenty-one-year-old boy, twenty-one years old). More specifically, hyphens are seen in compound nouns, compound adjectives, and when numbers are written in full.
Hyphens with numbers Certain numbers, specifically those between 21 and 99, should be hyphenated when spelled out, such as at the beginning of a sentence. Whether a number is spelled out or written as digits, you need a hyphen if it’s part of a compound adjective and followed by a noun...
• Tip: The older a compound is in use, the more chances to it being written in one word, and vice versa. The hyphenated version tends to be a mid-way stage. • If one part of the compound is a single letter, it is usually open or hyphenated. The compound email is an exceptio...
As we stated to Rachel, “Our guess is that you have simple measurements within your parentheses which, if written out, are really saying ‘. . . thicknesses ranging from thin plates (three-eighths of an inch thick to three-fourths of an inch thick)’ rather than in compound adjective fo...
(a timely pause) in music, a dash indicates a strong pause, then gives emphasis to material following the pause. In effect, a dash allows you toredefinewhat was just written, making it more explicit. You can also use a dash as it is used in the first sentence of this paragraph: to ...
If you run out of space at the end of a line, you can use a hyphen to break a word and continue it on the next line. Today, this is usually done automatically when you use the “hyphenation” formatting option, and it's especially done on text that has been justified, like in boo...