2.chieflyUShaving a nationality denoted by a hyphenated word, as inAmerican-Irish 3.chieflyUSdenoting something, such as a professional career, that consists of two elements, as insinger-songwriter Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers ...
We don’t hyphenate teens (e.g.sixteen,seventeen), nor numbers higher than 99. Let’s look at an example of a large number, so you can see where the hyphen goes: 273 = two hundred seventy-three Notice that we do not hyphenate “two hundred.” We also don’t need the word “and...
PURPOSE:To obtain a correct translation result of a hyphonated word by translating only the words before and after a hyphen and synthesizing them, in the case of a word before the hyphen is a noun, and a word after the hyphen is a present participle or a past participle. CONSTITUTION:As...
It will search through the entire document and start in the position the text cursor is in. It will start searching in the 'current' story and if it doesn't find the word in there, it will check all other stories (i.e., unconnected textframes). if (app.selection.length == 1 && ...
In a hyphenated compound,words are connected by a hyphen, e. g. father-in-law, baby-faced, whistle-blowing,let's-make-a-deal, etc. 在连字符连接的复合词中,单词之间用连字符连接,如:father-in-law(岳父,公公,继父),baby-faced(娃娃脸的),whistle-blowing(告密),let's-make-a-deal(...
'4. Second seat: Dick Wiesener' in Ten Journeys to Cameron's Farm by Cameron Hazlehurst | ANU E Press The boarding option was terminated after three years and the school was bought by nearby Trinity Grammar in 1926, losing its separate identity six years ... - 《Australian National Univers...
Exception 1: Hyphenated Words with Prefixes in Titles and Headings If the hyphenated word in your title or heading starts with a prefix that isn’t a standalone word (e.g.,pre,non,de), lowercase the second word.5 Anti-trashandPro-turtleAlliances Worked Together to Clean the Park ...
“The general rule is that while the two sounds may be assimilated, the place in the word of the assimilated sound is retained, leading to a doubling of the consonants. So for 'commingled', you needone 'm' for the prefix and another for the root(i.e. con + mingle = 'commingled')...
Share on Facebook Wikipedia 1.An American who is referred to by a hyphenated term with the first word indicating an origin in a foreign country, and the second term being "American", as Irish-American, Italian-American, African-American, Asian-American. ...
Knowing what the term means, though, doesn't help us with its spelling. For that, an understanding of how words evolve in the English language may be helpful. Most compound nouns (words that are composed of two individual words, like racecar) begin as open compounds, i.e., separate word...