Hyphenated Compound Words List Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Compound Verb | Overview & Examples When to Use Cannot or Can Not Contractions...
While compound words are a part of everyday communication, figuring out whether to use spaces, hyphens, or neither can get confusing. Here, we discuss the rules for using the three types of compound words, with examples. Work smarter with Grammarly The AI writing assistant for anyone with wor...
It's enough to drive even the most exacting writers, proofers, and editors a little batty sometimes: More than one descriptive word precedes a noun, forming what we call a compound modifier. Do we need to hyphenate the words, or are they well enough left
Hi! I found the lovely GREP style for preventing bad breaks in compound words (applying NoBreak and entering "\b\w+?-\w+?\b"), but I find that they also resist breaking at the proper hyphen at the end of the line, causing the entire compound word to move to the ...
Compound Words: hyphenated words
One of the most confusing issues for some reason, at least in the Northeastern United States where I live, is adding the S sound to a family name. The Problem has a History The problem, of course, is rooted in Old English which for many words the possessive form of the word ended ...
It was regarding managing compound phrases autonomously rather than trying to devise complex "work-arounds." Turning off hyphens forces Indesign to keep words together rather than line-breaking them and inserting a hyphen. It does nothing for compout phrases that are typed with hyphens such as...
Aside from using a hyphen to form compound words, hyphens can be used when writing compound numbers. Examples are twenty-three, fifty-six, and seventy-three. Hyphens have been introduced into spelling the compound numbers. Use a hyphen to avoid mix-up or an awkward combination of letters: ...
While compound words are a part of everyday communication, figuring out whether to use spaces, hyphens, or neither can get confusing. Here, we discuss the rules for using the three types of compound words, with examples. Work smarter with Grammarly The AI writing assistant for anyone with wor...
1) hyphenated compound words 连字式复合词 1. Through the comparison of the application ofhyphenated compound words(HCW) in written news English reports (WNE), broadcasting news English reports (BNE) and general English (BNC), this paper intends to find out the characteristics of written news En...