Hyphen,中文译作“连字符”,是一个小小的标点符号,却在英语写作中扮演着重要的角色。它的主要作用是连接词语,但其用法却并非一成不变,理解其含义和用法需要仔细区分不同的语境。 简单来说,hyphen 的意思是“连接词语或词组的短横线”。但这只是它功能的粗略概括,深入理解需要从其不同用法入手。 一、连接复合词 ...
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有些词语,比如“check-in”(登记入住),通常都用连字符,因为这是个固定的词组,已经成为了一个独立的词汇单位。但有些词语,比如“high school”(高中),虽然也是两个词语组合,但通常不用连字符,因为大家已经习惯了这种写法。 再比如,复合形容词的使用,也是一个让人头疼的问题。像“a ten-year-...
Thehyper-competitivenature of the financial industry has led to the proliferation of white-collar crime and the lack of well-intentioned financial advisors. The victim is being described only as atwenty-five-year-oldman. The house comes with astate-of-the-artsecurity system. Though theone-bedroo...
hyphenlee.github.io.old JavaScript hyphenlee.github.io HTML log4cpp-ios-android build log4cpp for android c++ Groff 1 contribution in the last year Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Mon Wed Fri Learn how we count contributions. Less More 2020 2019 2018 2017...
Jag6ed and Instant Noodles were unsurprisingly in the bottom two with the Noodles ultimately making it through. As much as I like them, I can't help but feel they're a pale derivative of last year's silly but immensely talented ABDC winners,Poreotics. Here's hoping that they amp things...
In Genesis 6:13–22 we find God's instructions to Noah.Join us on Thursday, 11:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m., to celebrate the New Year.The London–Paris train leaves at two o'clock.I have blocked out December 2002–March 2003 to complete my manuscript.Her articles appeared in Postwar ...
2.连接前缀与后缀,例如 co-workeranti-intellectual 3.连接复合词的各个组成部分,例如 28-year-old woman 4.分隔数字,例如 Tel: 585-362-4115 ISBN: 7-80087-535-0 En dash (–) En dash 是连接号,其长度等于大写字母 N,是 em dash 的一半,主要用在以下几种情况: 1.连接数字表示起止范围,相当于中文...
在一些复合词中也都需要连字符,例如mother-in-law, cat-of-nine-tails, five-year-old, north-by-northwest(西北偏北)。从twenty-one到ninety-nine,所有数字的单词也需要使用连字符。 有时候,人们过于熟悉某些失去连字符的复合词,以至于把它们当作一个单字,例如单词online。
When there’s an interruption or surprising information An em dash is a bit abrupt 一 it calls attention to itself and interrupts the sentence, making it a useful device to break your narrative. You’ll often see this usedwhen characters speak, and one person gets cut off in a conversation...