HyperX Alloy Elite 2 - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Full Size, Dedicated Media Keys, RGB LED Backlit, HyperX Red Switch (Linear), English (US) Teclas Pudding HyperX Teclas pudding ABS translúcidas pré-instaladas irradiam mais brilho em comparação com as teclas de cor sólida, que deixam...
HyperX Alloy Elite 2 - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Full Size, Dedicated Media Keys, RGB LED Backlit, HyperX Red Switch (Linear), English (US) Teclas HyperX translúcidas Las teclas ABS translúcidas preinstaladas brindan más brillo en comparación con las teclas de color liso que no dejan ...
There is a huge difference in terms of lighting when comparing the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB against the Alloy Elite 2. The keyboard at the top of the image is the Alloy Elite RGB, while the one on the bottom is the Alloy Elite 2. With the Alloy Elite RGB, most of the light only come...
“We are excited to announce our new Alloy Elite 2 mechanical keyboard built with HyperX pudding keycaps,” said Jennifer Ishii, keyboard business manager, HyperX. “the Alloy Elite 2 will meet the needs of gamers looking for a fully customizable mechanical gaming keyboard with HyperX switches ra...
你需要的是風格與實用兼具的高品質鍵盤。選擇具有耀眼 RGB 燈光的 HyperX™ Alloy Elite RGB,或是單色的 HyperX Alloy Elite。Alloy Elite RGB 讓你透過 HyperX NGenuity 軟體輕鬆自訂每個按鍵的色彩,並將設定儲存於內建記憶體。兩款產品都有實鋼框架結構,即使在最激烈
侧面则是HyperX的logo和Alloy Elite 2 (阿洛伊精英2)的型号名称,非常适合有一堆键盘的玩家们通过侧面的文字迅速找到自己想要的那款。 这款键盘有起源红轴和起源水轴两款轴体可选。相对来说红轴更线性,触发更清脆;水轴段落感更强、触发键程稍长,选哪款还是看大家比较偏向哪种机械手感啦。不过我个人认为“犹豫不决...
侧面则是HyperX的logo和Alloy Elite 2 (阿洛伊精英2)的型号名称,非常适合有一堆键盘的玩家们通过侧面的文字迅速找到自己想要的那款。 这款键盘有起源红轴和起源水轴两款轴体可选。相对来说红轴更线性,触发更清脆;水轴段落感更强、触发键程稍长,选哪款还是看大家比较偏向哪种机械手感啦。不过我个人认为“犹豫不决...
The Alloy Elite from HyperX takes the older Alloy FPS as a base and builds on it by adding dedicated media and lighting-control buttons, floating keycaps on a steel frame, a lightbar for further customization, and a wrist rest. It is better-suited for th
but we have also received several options from HyperX to consider. First up, we have the HyperX Alloy Elite 2, which is currently receiving a 23 percent discount that translates to $30 savings. This means that you can get your hands on a new mechanical gaming keyboard with software-controlle...
The Alloy Elite from HyperX takes the older Alloy FPS as a base and builds on it by adding dedicated media and lighting-control buttons, floating keycaps on a steel frame, a lightbar for further customization, and a wrist rest. It is better-suited for th