Basic science of benign prostatic hyperplasia The prostate is composed of epithelial components and stromal components with connective tissue binding these cells together. It is the stromal compartment that responds tocholinergic stimulation, with selectivity for α1Aadrenoceptor. Growth and maintenance of ...
In addition, this syndrome manifests a striking hyperplasia and hypergranularity of cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus with a parallel prominence of the macula densa (52, 177). However, studies in children and adults with Bartter syndrome (81, 262, 275) have convincingly shown that ...
cardiacmyocytescannot undergohyperplasiato replace destroyed muscle fibers but residual myocytes enlarge (hypertrophy) in an attempt to replace some of the function of the lost myofibers (Fig. 1-10). Most forms of hypertrophy are actually far more complex than a simple increase incell size(e.g.,...
hypertrophy (or hyperplasia) under these circumstances requires careful morphometric analysis. Examining the protein:DNA ratio and the degree of activation ofcyclin Dkinase in the lateG1 phaseof the cell cycle have also been used to differentiate between hyperplasia and hypertrophy of therenal tubule....