在非蛋白尿性CKD患者中,与其他抗高血压药物相比,在考虑了时间更新使用后,RASI与较少的心血管事件和较低的死亡率风险有关。非蛋白尿性CKD患者可能会从优先考虑RASI用于高血压管理中受益。 Cardiac Effects of Renin-Angiotensin System Inh...
Currently, the treatment target for patients with CKD is a clinic systolic BP < 130 mm Hg. The main approaches to the management of hypertension in CKD include dietary salt restriction, initiation of treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, and ...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in DM has different origins beyond diabetic nephropathy that requires a renal biopsy to make an adequate diagnosis. Because renal biopsy is not widely performed and since treatment is practically the same for renal protection in the different forms of diabetic CKD, the...
caution is advised in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to an increased risk for hyperkalemia. KBP-5074 is a nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist under investigation for the treatment of trea...
Updated data regarding management of hypertension treatment in CKD patients are requested so much for nephrologists and cardiologists. As the authors stated, the data were obtained through electronic health records analysis on 5658 ambulatory CKD patients with stages between 1 and 4, which reflects a...
In 2017, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart AssociationAmerican Heart AssociationA voluntary organization concerned with the prevention and treatment of heart and vascular diseases.Heart Failure(ACC/AHA) lowered thethresholdThresholdMinimum voltage necessary to generate an action potential (an...
PD as a treatment option in congestive heart failure Martin Kuhlmann, MD Heat stress and kidney failure Magdalena Madero, MD Kidney care for undocumented immigrants in US Mitch Rosner, MD Dialysis treatment in patients with extreme electrolyte disturbances ...
Similar to adults, long-standing and uncontrolled hypertension in children is associated with the progression of CKD and development of end-organ damage including early cardiomyopathy and premature atherosclerosis. Aggressive treatment of hypertension should be an essential part of pediatric CKD care, not...
Novel therapies may enhance treatment in the near future. Importantly, a personalised and evidence-based management plan remains key to achieving BP targets, reducing CVD risk and slowing progression of CKD.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815876-0.00061-9Mahboob Rahman a...
Although improved control of hypertension is known to attenuate progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), little is known about the adequacy of hypertension treatment in adults with CKD in the United States. Using data from the Fourth National Health and Nutrition Survey, we assessed adherence to...