and so drag forces push against the forward motion of the craft. Large wings usually generate a lot of lift, but they also produce a lot of drag. In designing airplane wings, engineers need to take into account such factors as the speed and altitude at which the plane will fly, so that...
In doing so, the U.S. agency shattered speed records and pushed the limits of aerospace engineering. Technical Difficulties Because of the X-43's design, NASA had to release it from a B-52 for it to fly. Once airborne, however, the flights were short-lived. NASA destroyed the first ...
These things don't happen at one particular speed, so the term "hypersonic" instead refers to the point at which they start to meaningfully affect the mechanics of flight—generally accepted to be Mach 5, or 3,836.35 mph in conditions of 20 degrees Celsius at sea level. Hypersonic speeds...
hypersonic speed hypersonic wind tunnel hypersonics hypersorption Hypersound hyperspace HyperSPARC hyperspectral imaging system hyperspeed hypersplenism hyperstereoscopy hypersthene hypersthenfels Hyperstrict hypersurface HyperTalk hypertape control unit
In February of 1949, the V-2 rocket was the first hypersonic flight to reach a maximum speed of Mach 5. Despite this achievement, the re-entry of the V-2 rocket into the atmosphere caused the vehicle to burn completely, leaving only charred remnants to b
A weapon traveling at five times the speed of sound is much more difficult to defend against, and it will, of course, reach its target exponentially faster than standard submarine-fired weapons such as Tomahawk cruise missiles. Tomahawks can travel up to 550mph for distances greater than 900 ...
这些限量版腕表没有什么不同,但在传统的黄铜和不锈钢符合人体工程学的Speed Cool手柄上采用了特殊的深色青铜色饰面。烧烤盘中加入了青铜色装饰,以及10英寸和12英寸的平底锅,带来光滑的现代外观。外观与多功能耐用铸铁完美配合 - 提供卓越的保温性,无论何时何地烹饪,都可用作几乎坚不可摧的烹饪表面。
'Shockwaves generated by high speed caused 13,000-mph test flight to roll abruptly' This pace allows us to better manage risk in developing and demonstrating hypersonic technology." Air Force Research Lab tries to stay ahead of rivals The United States Air Force (USAF) and the Defense Advanced...
A proposed hypersonic plane, dubbed Skreemr, could fly passengers from New York to London in just 30 minutes, traveling at 10 times the speed of sound, or just under 8,000 mph (12,348 km/h). The aircraft concept is designed by Canadian engineer and inventor Charles Bombardier. Check out...
If there's one word that keeps military planners from sleeping at night, it's "hypersonic." The ability to fly at more than five times the speed of sound holds the promise of getting to the antipodes in less time than it takes to drive across town. However, it also makes possible dead...