Hypernatremia is a life-threatening electrolyte disorder that can lead to death of the patient or permanent neurological injury. Loss of water or water and electrolytes from the animal are the most common causes. Early recognition and cautious correction of fluid deficits should result in recovery ...
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In assessing and treating hypernatremia, it is important to evaluate the patient's overall fluid status as well as the chronicity of the condition, since rapid correction of hypernatremia can lead to brain edema and convulsions. Given the deleterious effects of both hypernatremia and ...
The equations provided give a clue to the needs of a patient; however, only a total bedside clinical evaluation, including assessment of vascular volume and neurologic state, can provide the basis for determining the ultimate sequence and speed of therapy. 展开 ...
Traction on dural bridging veins and sinuses caused by movement of water from the brain and brain shrinkage can lead to intracranial hemorrhage, most often in the subdural space. Hemoconcentration from total body water loss may lead to dural sinus thrombosis. Imaging studies may indicate a central...
Due to the brain's relative inability to extrude unmeasured organic substances called idiogenic osmoles, rapid correction of hypernatremia can lead to cerebral edema. While there are no definitive studies that document the optimal rate of correction that can be undertaken without developing cerebral...
sodium levels “drains” water out of cells which has a host of complications primarily in the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. Attempting to rapidly administer water alone can also have consequences in hypernatremia and lead to complications such as brain swelling (cerebral edema)....
Total body water (TBW) refers to the lean body weight of the patient (percentage of TBW decreases in morbidly obese patients). The TBW deficit in the hyperosmolar patient that needs to be replaced can be roughly estimated using the formula following formula: TBW deficit = correction factor ×...
Becausesustainedhypernatremiacanoccuronly whenthirstoraccetowaterisimpaired,thegroup HYPERNATREMIAathighestriskarepatientswithalteredmentalstatus, intubatedpatients,infants,andelderlys.12Hy- HORACIOJ.ADROGUÉ,M.D.,pernatremiaininfantsusuallyresultsfromdiarrhea, ...
Severe hypernatremia can be dangerous and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Dangerous hypernatremia can occur in the newborn. Drugs that influence thirst sensation are the main cause of hypernatremia in adults and elderly patients. Hospitalization itself might be a risk factor for ...