导出时提示unable to export modle file 只看楼主收藏回复 nihaodsadsadsa 初级粉丝 1 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-07-29 21:01回复 nihaodsadsadsa 初级粉丝 1 有没有大佬求解 来自Android客户端2楼2022-07-29 21:01 收起回复 emoji213 初级粉丝 1 路径不能有中文 来自Android客户端3楼...
导出时提示unable to export modle file nihaodsadsadsa 我是林森0... 11-14 1 帮助文档用不了 鲁路修sunny 安装了Desktop Help 2022,打开进入网页进去是这样的,根本用不了 喻嘉言 11-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页> 尾页 共有主题数2347个,贴子数 22004篇会员数6659 皇冠身份 发贴...
Error: Error getting broadcast client: failed to load config for OrdererClient: unable to load orderer.tls.rootcert.file: open /etc/hyperledger/fabric/-C: no such file or directory 则需要检查 echo $ORDERER_CA && echo $CHANNEL_NAME 变量是否正确设置 export ORDERER_CA=/opt/gopath/src/githu...
A new mechanism to add HyperMesh information into the xMCF format has been added under the export option "App Data Block". This will export the Connector details including the Connector Controls. A new mechanism to add the Realization information into the xMCF format has been added under the ...
1. use Geometry > create> surfaces from FE, but it failed. The message says 'Failed to create some surfaces'. 2. use 2D->shrink wrap-> tetra solid mesh. Then try to export as .igs, parasolid, step file, but it failed. The message says 'Unable to export model file'. (see ...
hypermesh的模型怎么导入到adams中 ug打开要导的文件后-file-export-parasolid-选择要导出的部件,导几个选几个,选中以后颜色会有变化-在export后出现的提示框中输入名字,注意名字不能有汉字(ug、adams所有路径中不能有任何中文)-version中最好选11.0-17.0的版本,例如
导出时提示unable to export modle file 只看楼主收藏回复 nihaodsadsadsa 初级粉丝 1 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-07-29 21:01回复 nihaodsadsadsa 初级粉丝 1 有没有大佬求解 来自Android客户端2楼2022-07-29 21:01 收起回复 emoji213 初级粉丝 1 ...
Unable to export model with MONPNT1 with set assigned. "Sensor definition" details needs to remove for MONPNT1,MONPNT2,MONPNT3. Aero global output cards are not importing back after export. Aero global output cards are missing from TOC solver browser. CAERO1:Panel mesh failed with no spat...
Unable to export model with MONPNT1 with set assigned. "Sensor definition" details needs to remove for MONPNT1,MONPNT2,MONPNT3. Aero global output cards are not importing back after export. Aero global output cards are missing from TOC solver browser. CAERO1:Panel mesh failed with no spat...
Unable to reference SET in RSSTRESS response type in DRESP1 card. ASSIGN card truncated. PRETENS load displays inconsistent graphics. Performance improvement while reviewing subcase info in entity editor. STRESS I/O card export issue. PLOAD card unsupported without CQUAD4 element. ...