shift+f3 检查一下自由边find edges如果模型太大不好找,你还可以在此的基础上在模型显示里从我们经常...
选中网格,free edges---find edges 就会出现一个只有有自由边的component
60 Select fixed point and line to split the surface Step 7: Add edges to the surfaces to control the mesh pattern 1. 进入 trim with surfs/planes 子面板。 2. 在 with plane 栏,将活动选择器设为 surfs. 3. 选择下图指示的面。 Surfaces to be selected for splitting 4. 根据需要,将方向选择...
1、HyperMesh Introductory TrainingDay 1:Getting started with HyperMeshHyperMesh introductory trainingDay 1 Agenda:Introduction to the interfaceCreating an FEA modelpreparation / model organizationmeshing with shell elementscreating solid (hex) elementsapplying boundary conditionsanalysis and post proce 2、...
Clear the Keep tangency checkbox.(清除“保持切线”复选框) Set the entity selector to lines.(将实体选择器设置为lines。) Verify the Auto create (free edges only) check box is selected. The Auto create option simplifies the selection of the lines bounding the missing surface. Once a line is...
The geometry cleaning up refers to fixing geometry data by creating proper topology, defeaturing, and eliminating extraneous vertices.Since the geometry is approximated with a finite element mesh, a cleanup tolerance that is less than the node tolerance used in the mesh generation is required. ...
Hypermesh几何清理的资料 几何清理 在进行有限元分析计算时,经常遇到的问题有以下几种: 1. 导入曲面数据时,有时存在缝隙、重叠、错位等缺陷,这会影响网格质量。 2. 因为生产的需要,CAD模型中通常会包含某些细微特征,例如曲面和边的倒圆、小孔,进行分析时如果要准确模拟这些特征,需要用到很多小单元,导致...
Fixed an issue where attempting to register nodes outside of a volume would remove their registration to other enclosed volume.Post New Features Legend Entity Use the newly added Legend entity to create, edit, and assign custom legends to any contour, vector, or tensor plot. Legends can be di...