Split at point 指定点分割 Split at joint 在连接处分割 Split at line 用线分割 Cut line 剪切线 Split at plane 用面分割 Smooth line 使线光滑 Smooth corners 平滑转角 Min tangent angel 最小切线角度 Extend line 延长线 Follow curvature 原有曲率 Lines子面板 From nodes 通过节点 Linear 线性的 Offset...
7、线,两条线中间有断开,连接两个端点(2) Split at point 在硬点处断开线(3) Split at joint 在连接处断开线(4) Split at line 在与线相交处断开线(5) Split at plane 在与面相交处断开线,其中面可以以多种方式创建(6) Smooth line光滑曲线,两种方式:a设定容差;b设定接近与一条线,其中接近方式有两...
Split at point 指定点分割 Split at joint 在连接处分割 Split at line 用线分割 Cut line 剪切线 Split at plane 用面分割 Smooth line 使线光滑 Smooth corners 平滑转角 Min tangent angel 最小切线角度 Extend line 延长线 Follow curvature 原有曲率 Lines子面板 From nodes 通过节点 Linear 线性的 Offset...
(2)Splitatpoint在硬点处断开线 (3)Splitatjoint在连接处断开线 (4)Splitatline在与线相交处断开线 (5)Splitatplane在与面相交处断开线,其中面可以以多种方式创建 (6)Smoothline光滑曲线,两种方式:a设定容差;b设定接近与一条线,其中 接近方式有两种算法,一种为水平抛物线法(flatparabola),一种为B样条简化 ...
At tangent Check points切线 检查点Fillets Radius圆角 半径Trim original lines修剪线段Circles 子界面Circle圆Center & radius Radius圆心& 半径 半径Offset偏移量Points & vector点& 向量Three points三个点Find center寻找中心Line editCombine Smooth合并 光滑Split at point指定点分割Split at ...
(2)Split at point在硬点处断开线 (3)Split at joint在连接处断开线 (4)Split at line在与线相交处断开线 (5)Split at plane在与面相交处断开线,其中面可以以多种方式创建 (6)Smooth line光滑曲线,两种方式:a设定容差;b设定接近与一条线,其中接近方式有两种算法,一种为水平抛物线法(flat parabola),一种...
7、nt切线check points检查点fillets 圆角radius半径trim original lines修剪线段circles子界面center & radius 圆心&半径circle圆radius 半径offset偏移量points & vector 点&向量three points二个占-1八、find center 寻找中心line edit子面板combine合并smooth光滑split at point指定点分割split at joint在连接处分割split...
Split at point 指定点分割 Split at joint 在连接处分割 Split at line 用线分割 Cut line 剪切线 Split at plane 用面分割 Smooth line 使线光滑 Smooth corners 平滑转角 Min tangent angel 最小切线角度 Extend line 延长线 Follow curvature 原有曲率 Lines子面板 From nodes 通过节点 Linear 线性的 Offset...
line editCombines lines, splits lines at a point, at a joint, at a line, or at a plane, and smoothes lines. line mesh Creates 1-D elements between nodes or along a 20、 line. linear 1d Creates one-dimensional plot elements. linear solidCreates solid elements between two groups of ...
edit element Builds, combines, and splits elements. elem offset Creates solid elements or layers of plate or shell elements based on a plate or shell element by offsetting the shell elements in a direction normal to the surface they form. ...