在 UNIX 系统启动 Batch Mesher: 输入 hw_batchmesh 命令激活用户界面或 hw_batchmesh -nogui… 来执行没有 GUI • 的用户界面。 127 练习 Step 1: 打开 Batch Mesher 1. 点击 Start,指向 Programs, 指向 Altair HyperWorks 10.0, 在点击 Batch Mesher. 在 Input Model Directory 处,点击 folder ( ) ...
In this step you will open the model file, planar.hm. Start HyperMesh Desktop. From the menu bar, click File > Open > Model. In the Open Model dialog, open the planar.hm model file. Observe the model using the different visual options available, such as rotation and zooming. Step 2....
If the CHECK card is included in the input file, chosen as a Run Option in HyperMesh, or added as a run option on the command line, OptiStruct will only perform the check run. If the ANALYSIS card is included in the input deck, chosen as a Run Option in HyperMesh, or added as ...
HyperMathoropen commandfileinatext •OpenCommandFile editor. •DebugTcl/TkScript–OpensabrowsertodebugaTCLfile. •RunTcl/TkScript–OpensabrowsertoloadandrunaTCLfile. •RunCommandFile–Opensabrowsertoload/runanHyperMeshcommandfiles(*.cmf). ...
Legends can be directly created through the Results Browser or saved from the graphics legend. The saved legends can also be exported to an external file and imported for re-use. The properties of the saved legend, such as format, precision, color scheme, values, position, can be modified ...
2.Selectthemanifold_inner_cylinder.hmfilefromdirectorytutorials\hm. 3.ClickOpentoloadthisHyperMeshfilecontainingthesurfacemesh. 4.Inspectthesurfaceelementsthatwillbeusedtogeneratethevolumemesh. Youwouldliketogenerateboundarylayersonallthesurfaceelementscontainedin ...
27、erMeshhm.cfgconfiguration file allowing you to customize aspects such as menu fonts, color map, default output templates etclocated in the hm/bin directory or hm working directorycommand.cmfcommand history file used to automate work and create macroswritten to the hm working directoryhmmenu.se...
(If necessary, browse to and locate the file in the \utorials\\hm directory.) A new mesh type is now available for selection on the Run Setup tab. Step 3: On the User Procedures tab, set up a simple script to perform a tetramesh on the housing. 1. Click Add Entry, 2. Select ...
Error: Error getting broadcast client: failed to load config for OrdererClient: unable to load orderer.tls.rootcert.file: open /etc/hyperledger/fabric/-C: no such file or directory 则需要检查 echo $ORDERER_CA && echo $CHANNEL_NAME 变量是否正确设置 ...
Due to the large number of elements with active stress constraints, no element stress report is given in the table of retained constraints in the .out file. The iterative history of the stress state of the model can be viewed in HyperView or HyperMesh. Stress constraints do not apply to 1...