mesh布尔运算hypermesh布尔运算internal error 上一节介绍了如何用二进制来表示数字,表示和存储数字是计算机的重要功能,但真正的目标是计算、有意义地处理数字,这些操作由计算机的算术逻辑单元(Arithmetic and Logic Unit,ALU)处理。ALU是计算机的数学大脑,是计算机里负责所有运算的组件,所以基本其他所有部件都会用到它。
After that i've to perform the surface extraction by the operation displayed before (2nd pic)? I've tried it in that way but it doesn't work. The surface creation tool exits with an 'INTERNAL MESH ERROR' and the surface extraction tool find no surface. Is it possible to get a...