链接到电子邮件地址 (Linking to Email Addresses) HYPERLINK函数还可以链接到电子邮件地址,haruiyi.com,。您可以使用以下格式创建链接:,www.ycgtyy120.com, =HYPERLINK("mailto:example@example.com", "发送邮件") 点击该链接后,将自动打开默认的邮件客户端,并准备发送邮件,m.zzcxslaw.com,。 链接到工作簿中的...
運算式。EmailSubject表達 代表Hyperlink 物件的變數。註解這個屬性通常與電子郵件超連結搭配使用。此屬性的值優先于您使用Hyperlink物件的Address屬性所指定的任何電子郵件主旨行。範例本範例會設定第一張工作表中第一個超連結的電子郵件主旨行。VB 複製 Worksheets(1).Hyperlinks(1).EmailSubject = "Quote Request" ...
Re: Excel VBA to hyperlink in email body from cell reference you can try like Code: mypath = "\\" & environ("Computername") & mid(thisworkbook.path, 3) & "\" thisworkbook.sheets("sheet3").range("e17") debug.print mypath "Click on the link to open the file : " & _ "<...
表达式。EmailSubject表达 一个代表 Hyperlink 对象的变量。备注此属性通常用于电子邮件超链接。此属性的值优先于使用 Hyperlink 对象的 Address 属性指定的任何电子邮件主题行。示例本示例设置第一个工作表中第一个超链接的电子邮件主题行。VB 复制 Worksheets(1).Hyperlinks(1).EmailSubject = "Quote Request" ...
Email Hyperlinks: These hyperlinks create an email message addressed to a specific recipient. Internet Hyperlinks: These hyperlinks allow you to connect to a website. It is important to note that hyperlinks in Excel can also be used to link to specific cells or ranges within a worksheet. This...
Example #1–Send an Email Using a Hyperlink To send an email using a hyperlink, follow the listed steps: Open the HYPERLINK function by typing =HYPERLINK in Excel. Prefix “mailto:” (within double quotation marks) to an email address. Use the ampersand operator to join this prefix and the...
I want to create a hyperlink from one sheet to another by using data instead of having to use the cell reference. For example in tab 1 I have 2 results for a...
Excel 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll 返回或设置指定超链接的电子邮件主题行的文本字符串。 主题行是添加到超链接地址上的。 C# 复制 public string EmailSubject { get; set; } 属性值 String 注解 该属性常与电子邮件超链接一起使用。 此属性的值优先于使用 Address 同一Hyperlink 对...
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You can click the hyperlink to drill down to another report in the current project and dynamically check the specified content in another report through parameter passing. Cells, charts, and condition attributes Hyperlink - Email You can click the hyperlink to send text messages or report content ...