Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that e
Documentation:https://hyperledger.github.io/fabric-gateway-java/ GitHub repository:https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-gateway-java/ The information below is intended for contributors to this repository. Introduction for contributors The SDK provides a layer of abstraction on top of the wire-level ...
Client:X.509 Certificates that allow signed requests to be passed from clients to Fabric nodes. Client certs define the identities of client applications submitting transactions to a Fabric network. 每种注册证书类型都有特定的角色: 管理员:X.509证书用于认证管理员身份,需要对Fabric配置进行更改。 节点:...
Now that you had the Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric and architectural structure, it is now time to create your first application. By going through the application, you will be able to understand how Fabric applications work. In this Hyperledger Fabric application tutorial, you will learnhow to...
while this was optional in CouchDB v2.x. See theFabric CouchDB documentationfor configuration details. Also note that CouchDB 3.1.0 default max_document_size is reduced to 8MB. Set a higher value if needed in your environment. Finally, the fabric-couchdb docker image will not be updated ...
FPC Chaincode Pkg: This component bundles together the chaincode enclave and the enclave endorsement validation logic into a fabric chaincode. It also includes a shim component which (a) proxies the chaincode enclave shim functionality, e.g., access to ledger, to the fabric peer, and (b) dispa...
hyperledger-fabricdocs Documentation, Release master 这本书的翻译(http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release/) 第8章 用例 摘要:The Hyperledger Requirements WG is documenting a number of blockchain use cases and maintaining an inventory here. The Hyperledger Requirements WG记录了许 阅读全文...
In this guide, we assume that you've already started test network by followingHyperledger Fabric official tutorial. Clone GIT Repository Clone this repository to get the latest using the following command. $gitclonehttps://github.com/hyperledger/blockchain-explorer.git$cdblockchain-explorer ...
Hyperledger Fabric consists of severalcomponents, each of which operates as a separate executable service, so Fabric maintains Docker images of each component. The images are hosted on theofficial Docker Hub website. At minimum, you need Docker version 17.06.2-ce. You can get the latest version...