To this end, as initial lymphatic vasculature in parasagittal dura has been shown to have size at micrometer scale, and populate a minor proportion of the tissue stroma[9], the high signal depicted on FLAIR at scale three orders of magnitude higher (millimeter) is very likely not lymph. ...
Delayed intraparenchymal hemorrhage(IPH) after treatment of brain arteriovenous malformations (AVM) is a well described complication. The underlying mechanism is likely associated with hemodynamic changes in perinidal tissue. So far, there is no established method to estimate the risk of post-treatment ...
Reply to: The pitfalls of interpreting hyperintense FLAIR signal as lymph outside the human brainCARDIOVASCULAR systemJUGULAR veinOLFACTORY nerveLYMPHATICSDURA materSUBARACHNOID spaceIn addition, our observed signal shows a closer correspondence with lymph nodes and the reticular connections with lymph nodes...