Hypergraphs and Cellular Networks(2009)笔记 一种重要的方法,而生物网络的潜力尚未得到充分的开发。因此,我们预期hypergraph理论在计算生物学中的应用将在不久的将来将会得于增加。...Hypergraphsand Cellular Networks 背景 背景 生物信息用超图来表示会比普通的图更加符合生物间的信息传播 图1A(中间)显示了一种绘制...
Hypergraphsand Cellular Networks 背景 背景 生物信息用超图来表示会比普通的图更加符合生物间的信息传播 图1A(中间)显示了一种绘制未重定向超图的方法。超图通常投射到图中,丢失了一些信息,但使其绘制更加容易,而且其分析也符合图论中大量的方法和算法。 总而言之,超图通过允许节点之间的多边关系来概括图,这通常会...
Cellular telephoneMatching0-1 lawLimit probability distributionHypergeometric functionLet H = (V,E) be an r-uniform hypergraph of size n such that each edge of H meets at most d others. A finite map f:X --> E induces a bipartite graph G(H,f) = (V-f,E-f) with vertex set V-f ...
Hypergraphs, encoding structured interactions among any number of system units, have recently proven a successful tool to describe many real-world biological and social networks. Here we propose a framework based on statistical inference to characterize the structural organization of hypergraphs. The metho...
A deluge of new data on real-world networks suggests that interactions among system units are not limited to pairs, but often involve a higher number of nodes. To properly encode higher-order interactions, richer mathematical frameworks such as hypergrap
inmanyreal-worldapplicationssuchasco- authorshipnetworks,recommendationnetworks,etc.,vertexlabelscanbenatu- rallyrepresentedbyprobabilitydistributionsorhistograms.Moreover,real-world networkdatasetshavecomplexrelationshipsgoingbeyondpairwiseassociations. Theserelationshipscanbemodellednaturallyandflexiblybyhypergraphs.In ...
In this article we introduce mathematical morphology on hypergraphs. We first define lattice structures and then mathematical morphology operators on hypergraphs. We show some relations between these operators and the hypergraph structure, considering in
This paper considers the problem of methods for transmitting and processing information from fifth-generation (5G) networks for aviation. The main problem is resource allocation to minimize inter-cellular interference and optimize performance. As a result, it is determined that ...
metabolic networksshortest hyperpathssystems biologySignaling and metabolic pathways, which consist of chains of reactions that produce target molecules from source compounds, are cornerstones of cellular biology. Properly modeling the reaction networks that represent such pathways requires directed hypergraphs,...
It is worth underlining that the area of research related to hyperpaths, shortest hyperpaths [6] and their links with vehicle navigation [1], network systems based on transit schedules [2], cellular networks [3], etc., is flourishing. In this paper, we deal with two different problems ...