首先,添加集成服务安装硬盘,点击菜单 Action,选择”Insert Integration Services Setup Disk“, 然后,添加Disk驱动设备,点击菜单 Media,选项DVD Drive,选择”Insert Disk“,选择Windows Server 2012 R2的安装镜像文件(ISO); 最后,关闭VM(shutdown),设置firmware,从DVD Drive引导启动(boot from DVD Drive),设置的过程,...
7 为VM分配存储数据的磁盘空间创建虚拟硬盘(Virtual Disk)文件,后缀名是.vhdx,是逻辑盘符中的一个文件,能够动态扩张,用于存储VM的OS和数据文件,如下图所示:8 为VM安装操作系统选项:Install an operating system later,在VM创建完成之后,等到VM启动时再安装OS,本文使用该选项。其他两个选项都是在创建VM时...
Gets default setting data ofMicrosoft Virtual Hard Disk Set its Parent Attribute to path of Disk Driver you created(outParams["NewResources"][0]) Set its Connection Attribute to the Path of your Disk(C:\vhds\myvm.vhd) Call Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService.AddVirtualSystemResources to Add D...
14、 below to edit it.Current settings: Data to cEdit Copy type: Disk VirtualDiskl: 1 Devices Edit vCPUs: 1 (1 soc Disk controller* Memory: 1GB networks Edit NIC1: VM Network AdvanceEdit Power on destin Install VMware Customize Guest! Reconfigure:4.可认点击下一步即可,也可以自定义迁移后...
Add-VMFibreChannelHba Add-VMGpuPartitionAdapter Add-VMGroupMember Add-VMHardDiskDrive Add-VMHostAssignableDevice Add-VMMigrationNetwork Add-VMNetworkAdapter Add-VMNetworkAdapterAcl Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl Add-VmNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping ...
Add-VMHardDiskDrive Version Windows 11 and Windows Server 2025 PowerShell HgsKeyProtection HgsServer HNVDiagnostics HostComputeService HostNetworkingService Hyper-V Commands Add-VMAssignableDevice Add-VMDvdDrive Add-VMFibreChannelHba Add-VMGpuPartitionAdapter...
Create a New VM: Open the VMware vSphere Client. Right-click on the desired host or cluster and select “New Virtual Machine”. Follow the wizard to create a new VM, choosing “Custom” to specify details. When prompted for the virtual disk, select “Use an existing virtual disk” and ...
Disk2vhd is a utility from Sysinternals that creates VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) versions of physical disks, which can be used for VMs. 3. PowerShell PowerShell scripts can automate the conversion process, especially in larger environments.
Choose thevhdfile path or the physical disk that you want to add. Physical Hard Drive, called pass-through disk, must be offline in physical machine. In the example below was used a dynamicvhdwith 20 GB. Figure 3 – Vhd path After you have clicked Ok, ope...
icacls "E:\VMs\VMName\Disk0.vhd" /grant "NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\5FC5C385-BD98-451F-B3F3-1E50E06EE663":(F) 啟動虛擬機器。 其他相關資訊 如果Hyper-V 虛擬機組態檔 (.xml 檔案) 的許可權不正確,則虛擬機無法啟動並傳回下列錯誤訊息: