Remove-VMSnapshot [-VMName] <String[]> [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential[]>] [[-Name] <String[]>] [-IncludeAllChildSnapshots] [-AsJob] [-Passthru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
系统默认为:“C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Snapshots” Windows Server 2012开始,Hyper-V 的实时合并功能现在允许组织将当前快照合并回原来的父盘,同时保持虚拟机继续运行。快照数据文件(虚拟硬盘当前的叶节点,派生到只读的差异父盘内)存储为 .avhd 文件。在删除快照时,如果虚拟机正在运行,则不能删除相...
使用Remove-VMSnapshot 删除检查点(合并所有数据) 图5.与 Hyper-V 检查点管理相关的 PowerShell cmdlet 其他 下面的一些信息也很有用: 请勿扩展在使用检查点的虚拟磁盘,这会损坏整个检查点树。 Windows server 2008 (R2) 中的快照删除操作只可在 VM 关闭或进入保存状态时全部完成。因此,存有快照数据的 .avhd ...
However BEFORE you go deleting snapshots, please read the Hyper-V Snapshot FAQ, and have a look at the Ben Armstrong Snapshot FAQ Video. # Delete Virtual System Snapshot param( [string]$vmName = $(throw "Must specify virtual machine name"), [string]$vmSnapName = $(throw "Must ...
支持跨版本导入,确保不同版本的 Hyper-V 环境之间可以兼容虚拟机。 虚拟机迁移: 使用Move-VM命令将虚拟机迁移到新的存储位置或另一台 Hyper-V 主机上。 支持热迁移(虚拟机运行时迁移),不需要关闭虚拟机。 虚拟机即时迁移: 使用Move-VM配合Start-VM命令实现即时迁移,可以在虚拟机运行时迁移虚拟机,适用于高可用性...
的默认位置是:%systemroot%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Snapshots。 检查点演示 本练习将演练创建和应用标准检查点与生产检查点。 对于此示例,将对虚拟机进行简单更改并观察不同的行为。 标准检查点 登录到虚拟机并在桌面上创建文本文件。 用“记事本”打开该文件,然后输入文本“这是标准检查点”。不要保...
Figure 7:Hyper-V Manager Snapshot Hierarchy with the Snapshot 2 Subtree Using the Snapshot Delete Option If you decide that you no longer need a snapshot or snapshot subtree, Hyper-V provides two different Delete options to permanently remove one or more snapshots from the snapshot hierarchy...
TheRemove-VMcmdlet deletes a virtual machine. Running this cmdlet deletes the virtual machine's configuration file, but does not delete any virtual hard drives. If the virtual machine has any snapshots, these are deleted and merged into the virtual hard disk files after the virtual machine is...
TheRemove-VMcmdlet deletes a virtual machine. Running this cmdlet deletes the virtual machine's configuration file, but does not delete any virtual hard drives. If the virtual machine has any snapshots, these are deleted and merged into the virtual hard disk files after the virtual machine is...
Gets the snapshots associated with a virtual machine or snapshot. Get-VMStoragePath Gets the storage paths in a storage resource pool. Get-VMSwitch Gets virtual switches from one or more virtual Hyper-V hosts. Get-VMSwitchExtension Gets the extensions on one or more virtual switches. ...