极速冲刺 Hyper Dash is a VR multiplayer team based shooter.帕拉斯加速引擎由biubiu团队倾力打造,面对当下网络游戏新变化与之产生的网络加速新痛点。我们对引擎底层协议、流量数据交互、专线调度策略进行了全面的重新梳理,研发出在极致延迟、稳定弱网上更具优势的实时多路发包、弱网对抗、动态多线,同时部署了全球海量...
Hyper Dash (二月)–——Quest, PC VR 首先是Triangle Factory的《Hyper Dash》,这是继去年在Side Quest上首次亮相后,下一款将于本月在Oculus Store上正式发布的游戏。《Hyper Dash》是一款5V5竞技场多人射击游戏,玩家投入到身临其境的VR死亡竞赛对战中,类似于Solaris或我们在2019年报道游戏揭示时提到的RIGS。
现在,这款游戏于今日在Oculus Quest Store上线,售价20美元,用户不能再从SideQuest页面下载《Hyper Dash》了,该游戏也将登陆SteamVR和Viveport,支持Rift和Quest交叉购买。《Hyper Dash》是一款快节奏的竞技场多人射击游戏,包含四种模式,玩家可以投入到身临其境的VR死亡竞赛对战中,在铁轨上滑行并且向对手射击。这...
Hyper Dash是基于团队协作的 5vs5 FPS游戏,该游戏由Triangle Factory开发,自2020年4月起通过Sidequest上线后,收到了来自大量玩家的积极反馈。现在,这款游戏将于2月在Oculus Quest Store上线。这是一款竞技场多人射击游戏,玩家投入到身临其境的VR死亡竞赛对战中。虽然没有巨型机甲,但玩家可以在铁轨上滑行并且向...
多人VR射击游戏《Hyper Dash》将于本周进行直播锦标赛 《Hyper Dash》是基于团队协作的 5vs5 FPS游戏,该游戏由Triangle Factory开发,自2020年4月起通过Sidequest上线后,积累了许多粉丝,它在该服务上的下载量接近15万次,该游戏于几个月前在官方Oculus Store上发行。近日,《Hyper Dash》表示将与SideQuest和...
Hypercrx project adds analytic dashboards to GitHub, aiming at tracing, digging and gaining insight into the projects and developers you're interested in. We do this by inserting useful dashboards into GitHub pages. Hypercrx provides an effective way for digital operations and analysis of open ...
Hyper Knights ¥22.00 Alert me on price drops Activation DRMSteamactivation guide PlatformPC, Mac, Linux Activates in China Show regions About this game Raise your army, learn powerful combos and take back your land! Slash and Dash your way through hundreds of enemies in the fast-paced skill-...
Chain Dash Champion Nice Shot! 查看全部 23 项成就 猜你喜欢 21 项修改 2 年前 4 项修改 2 年前 6 项修改 3 个月前 11 项修改 4 年前 7 项修改 1 个月前 9 项修改 3 年前 46 项修改 3 个月前 45 项修改 7 个月前 WeMod 让你安全地掌控自己的游戏体验 WeMod 致力于服务全...
now complemented by special laser beam attacks executed by sucking up gemstones and other powerups (alternatively, they can be absorbed for special effects). Moving around involves more than hopping; you can fire yourself into the air with a blast to the ground and dash to dodge out of the ...
for you! Fearlessly race through 42 challenging levels spanning 6 unique, immersive worlds: ## Dash Canyon: Learn the ropes and zoom through increasingly troublesome twists and turns within the walls of this massive rock formation. ## Hasty Highlands: Fly among the leafy canopies while learning ...