Hyper-converged infrastructure technology has taken significant strides since emerging more than a decade ago, finding a home in data centers looking to ease procurement headaches and management chores. Vendors initially positioned the technology as a simple-to-deploy, all-in-one offering that combined...
Hyperconverged infrastructure lets you start small and grow incrementally, making it easier to manage up-front capital costs and avoid overprovisioning. By investing over time, you can take advantage of advances in each technology generation. Furthermore, hyperconverged infrastructure can be managed by...
超融合基础架构(Hyper Converged Infrastructure,或简称“HCI”)是指在同一套单元设备中不仅仅具备计算、网络、存储和服务器虚拟化等资源和技术,而且还包括备份软件、快照技术、重复数据删除、在线数据压缩等元素,而多套单元设备可以通过网络聚合起来,实现模块化的无缝横向扩展(scale-out),形成统一的资源池。超融合(甚至超...
Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI), is a revolutionary IT platform technology that combines computing, storage, and networking into one software-defined system. HCI leverages virtualization to combine these key building blocks into one cohesive infrastructure, managed via a software layer. This simplifie...
超融合架构 — Hyper Converged Infrastructure 小记 前几天,一个同事突然过来问我,什么事超融合架构,具体做什么用的。 当时我对这个概念还停留在比较模糊的状态,因此没能给出一个很好的解答。 于是花了点时间研究了一下这个时下颇为热门的技术,并且给我的同事讲了一遍,效果不错。 也自己总结一下。
Let's take a closer look at hyperconverged infrastructure technology,consider its use casesand implementation, evaluate its tradeoffs, examine some current vendors and product offerings and look ahead to thefuture of the technology. How does hyperconverged infrastructure work?
超融合基础设施(Hyperconverged Infrastructure, HCI)作为一种不断创新的服务器架构,它通过软件定义技术实现了资源管理、应用部署和运维的一体化。HCI整合了计算、存储、网络和虚拟化等关键IT功能,为企业提供了高度集成和自动化的解决方案。 在当今数字化时代,随着应用的现代化和数据量的爆炸式增长,企业在计算性能和存储...
Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a software-defined, unified system that combines all the elements of a traditional data center: storage, computing, networking, and management. By converging these critical functions into a single software layer, HCI solutions eliminate the complexities of tradition...
VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) by Lenovo organizes data center architecture, simplifies IT management, enhances scalability, and boosts the efficiency of modern businesses. Learn the difference between HCI, Traditional, and Converged Infrastr
Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a software-defined approach to data center infrastructure that uses virtualization to combine compute, networking and storage components into a single system managed by a hypervisor software layer. Whereas a traditional data center will use different pieces of hardwa...