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GIF-wise, Saints Row IV has nothing to fear about, as it's a sandbox game that was made for silly GIFs. But it's clear, that GTA V has its own potential too. sources: herons2s2, GTAaddict2012, Cysiek, LackedMushroom0, ichnixwissen, John Angelo, RusUpdate, Luispestoni, FuyokoShira...
The reality of3D printingis that it has been around for a lot longer than people think but due to the rapid process in which the technology has evolved we are seeing the hype-train well in truly leave the station with no way of stopping.3D Printingcan do all these things the media prop...
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If you're thinking about hopping on the weighted blanket train, make sure to do plenty of research beforehand. Select the right weight, find the right price point, and get ready to nap, my friend. Some extremely weighty z's are headed your way....
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