In sufficient quantities, hyoscine hydrobromide may produce euphoria or hallucinations. These symptoms entice some to abuse it in conjunction with opioids. History also reports that certain occult practitioners used the plant in topical “flying ointments” and potions for its hallucinogenic properties. ...
Hyoscine hydrobromide is another drug with vomiting centre and vestibular apparatus activity. Unlike the related drug Buscopan, which does not cross the blood–brain barrier, hyoscine does, so it is effective as an antisecretory, antikinetic and antiemetic agent. Drowsiness and dry mouth can limit ...
secretions in the terminal phaseoctreotidehyoscine hydrobromideNoisy breathing at the end of life (noisy breathing (NB) occurs in up to 90% of people. Interventions have not been systematically evaluated. There has been clinical observation coupled with a proposed mechanism of effect that supports a...
Severaldrugshave been developed for the prevention or relief of motion sickness, though they often produce unwanted side effects. A combination of 1-scopolaminehydrobromide anddextroamphetaminesulfate, taken shortly before departure, affords some protection for several hours.Promethazinehydrochloride, with mini...