built, including the Hyogo College hospital, which was recognised as an Advanced Treatment Hospital in 1994. University status was awarded by the Japan University Accreditation Association in 2004. A second campus opened in 1997 as the Saiyama Hospital, since 2010 known as the Saiyama Medical ...
DESIGN AND SETTING: The medical records of 487 patients with injuries who were referred to Kobe University Hospital from January 17 to January 23 were reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 487 patients, 63 (12.9%) were found to have chest injuries. Of these 63, eight patients with severe chest ...
It is one of thebroad spectrum entity named inflammatory pseudotumors (IPT), and as thename suggests, it mimics a lot of diseases such as malignancies or infections. Combined with its rarity, TFIL can be a tremendous diagnostic challenge. Wehere present a case of TFIL, which was initially...